Red Bull Doodle Art Workshop inspires creativity

Creative Industries ākonga showcased their doddling skills, along with the chance to have their work reach the international stage. The Red Bull Doodle Art Workshop  is a fun global drawing competition for students where art and technology meet, and they can showcase their imagination and creativity! The best doodles will vie against each other in a national final event in Auckland with some awesome prizes up for grabs. The national winner will travel to the world final in Amsterdam in May 2023 to represent New Zealand alongside 61 other nations.


Red Bull Doodle Art is a starting point for any up-and-coming artist and is a real opportunity to be recognised on an international art stage and represent NZ competing against doodlers from around the world.

Creative Industries APM Bobby Hung said the event had  awesome engagement from our Certificate and Undergraduate students from the Creative Industries.

“The Red Bull Doodle Art is a great opportunity for students to network with their peers and be involved in industry initiatives which I believe helps them to step outside of their bubble at Unitec. All the students were excited to contribute to the event with their drawings which go into a larger pool of judging for a chance to represent Aotearoa in Amsterdam.”


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