Our events students are out connecting with charities and the local community, gaining ‘hands-on’ experience with future employers and business partners. Through that journey they’ve given over $12,500 to local charities!
The money has been raised over the last six semesters through a series of events, initiated and managed by our students as part of their course requirements.
Yesterday our event students presented the Auckland Coastguard with a cheque for $850.00 as well as gift baskets to seven local schools, who were involved in Splash! Family Fun Day, a student-led fundraiser at the Pump House last weekend.
The event was about communicating water safety to the kids who came along to enjoy lots of fun activities, entertainment and a colouring competition, plus sausage sizzle and raffle fundraisers.
Business Enterprise & High Technology Network Lecturer, Shaughan Woodcock, says these projects and events are important opportunities for students to get hands-on experience within the industry and to interact with potential employers. They also get to immediately experience (and celebrate!) the outcome of their planning and hard work.
A second practical event class this semester raised $645.00 for Dance Therapy NZ. Their mission is to empower individuals and groups through the use of dance movement therapy, and arts therapy, with a focus on those with disabilities, special needs, and at risk/low income communities.
Our students raised money for Dance Therapy NZ through raffle fundraisers secured by sponsorship and managed a dance and entertainment event show, casting local talent and dance schools.