Te Kawa Maiorooro Te Pūkenga educational regulatory framework

About Te Kawa Maiorooro

Te Pūkenga has developed Te Kawa Maiorooro, Te Pūkenga educational regulatory framework.
Te Kawa Maiorooro covers regulations that affect learners, like enrolment, assessment, complaints and graduation. Te Kawa Maiorooro has not yet replaced all of the policies and procedures of Unitec (now part of Te Pūkenga), so where Te Kawa Maiorooro does not cover something, the individual, former Unitec policies and procedures still apply.

If you have any questions, email us at tkk@unitec.ac.nz.

Reference table detailing Te Kawa Maiorooro section and the related Unitec policy or procedure


Te Kawa Maiorooro sectionRelated Unitec policy or procedure
2.6 (3) additional payment terms and conditions (WBL)Not applicable to Unitec
2.8 (4) terms and conditions and timeframes for refundsFees and Refunds Procedure v4.0
2.16 (3) Fees and Refunds proceduresFees and Refunds Procedure v4.0
2.19 (1) a. Code of ConductCode of Conduct
2.27 (1) exceptional circumstances consideration processFees and Refunds Procedure v4.0
2.30 (11) withdrawal and refund regulationsAdmission and Enrolment Procedures v6.0
3.1 (1) Recognising Knowledge and SkillsAssessment of Prior Learning
3.5 (1) Records Management PolicyRecords Management Policy (staff access only)
Retention of Assessment Materials (staff only)
5.3 (1) ethics approval processTe Aka | The Nest page (staff only)
5.3 (6) rangahau research policies, procedures, processesResearch and Enterprise webpage
5.4 (1) ākonga code of conductStudent Charter webpage
5.4 (3) breach of conduct proceduresStudent Disciplinary Statute
6.4 (2) Examination regulationsExamination Regulations
6.5 (2) a. Alternative Assessment arrangements proceduresAssessment in Te Reo Māori Procedure (and guidelines)
6.7 (5) Assessment concession proceduresAssessment and Grading Procedures and Regulations
6.8 (4) Academic Integrity ProceduresAcademic Integrity webpage
Academic Integrity Procedure
6.11 Moderation proceduresAssessment, Moderation, and Grades Policy
6.13 (1) approval of course and programme outcomes proceduresAssessment, Moderation, and Grades Policy
Assessment and Grading Procedures and Regulations
6.15 (3) Final results approval proceduresAssessment and Grading Procedures and Regulations
7.4 (3) Confirmation and conferment of qualification proceduresGraduation webpage
7.6 (4) reissue of graduation certificate or academic record procedureCertificates (testamur) webpage
8.2 (1) Graduation Procedures (Academic Dress)Graduation webpage