Policies and procedures


Policies and procedures at Unitec support and enable our kaupapa – our purpose, aspirations and values. They make sure we all work under the same guiding principles so that Unitec operates effectively and efficiently.

Academic – Learning, Teaching and Research

Governance and Organisation

Our People – Student Services

Our Place and Environment

Finance – Purchasing and Paying

Information Technology

Our People – Work and Wellbeing


Useful information:


How to get a new policy or procedure uploaded to this page

>> For academic policies, procedures contact Te Korowai Kahurangi

>> For non-academic documents contact Fiona Riches.


Templates for Policies and Statutes

>>Policy Template

>>Procedure Template

>>For a template for writing programme schedules for new programmes contact Academic Service Centre


How to write Policies – what is the approval process?

>>Policy Procedures and Guidelines

>>Policy Framework

All documents are arranged in the left hand column by category and in the right hand column alphabetically. You can also use the menu on the far left of the screen to help you locate the exact document you are looking for (e.g. a form, guideline, internal procedure) or the search box at the top of the page.

Top Policies

Academic Statute  Admission Requirements Procedure
Emergency Management Framework Student Charter
Code of Conduct Student Disciplinary Statute
Electronic Devices & Systems Policy Interests at a Glance
Procurement at a Glance Sensitive Expenditure at a Glance with Catering Guidelines
Travel Insurance at a Glance


Te Kawa Maiorooro, Te Pūkenga Educational Regulatory Framework

Learn more about Te Kawa Maiorooro

Te Pūkenga policies

Unitec procedures (updated)

Policies Under Consultation

List by category

Academic - Learning Teaching and Research - 361 Academic Policies & Procedures - 74 Finance Policies & Procedures - 75 Governance Policies & Procedures - 76 Health, Safety & Environment Policies & Procedures - 77 Human Resource Policies & Procedures - 78 Info Management and Ownership Policies & Procedures - 79 Information Technology Policies & Procedures - 80 Property & Risk Protection Policies & Procedures - 81 Student Policies & Procedures - 82 Templates - 83 Vehicle Use and Staff Travel Policies & Procedures - 84
List by alphabetical order