Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities.
The annual Plastic Free July campaign launched nine years ago in Australia, and now involves 117 nations. As awareness of environmental and sustainability issues continues to grow, Plastic Free July gains momentum each year.
Plastic Free July at Unitec
Do you need advice and inspiration on how to how to reduce your use of plastic? During July, our Sustainability team is doing their bit to raise the profile of this initiative and will run a series of informative and fun events for staff and students.
During July, events are happening around our campuses to start you on your plastic-free (or reduced plastic) journey; check out the Nest ‘what’s on’ calendar:
- Ongoing: competition to make items out of used plastic
- Ongoing: Challenge: Give up one form of single-use plastic (check out these ideas)
- 1 July: Beeswax Wrap Workshop, Mt Albert (Puukenga)
- 15 July: Audit of recycling bin – what can you recycle?, Mt Albert 11am -12pm
- 22 July: Audit of recycling bin – what can you recycle?, Waitakere 2pm -3pm
- 28 July: Manaaki Whenua working bee , Mt Albert, 9am – 2pm (two shifts). Please register
- 29 July: Audit of recycling bin – what can you recycle?, Mt Albert 1:30-2:30pm
- Presentation and judging of competition – items made from used plastic (date TBC)
Reducing your use of plastic doesn’t need to happen all at once, and doesn’t need to have a huge impact on your life. What is one thing you can change, to make a difference? Start today!