External Evaluation and Review

EER is about compliance, academic quality and our students success

The NZQA’s EER panel evaluates our educational performance based on our capability in self-evaluation and student outcomes through documentation and interviews.

Outlined below is our timeline for the October 2020 EER panel visit, the focus areas, ‘what a high performing institute looks like’ and how the NZQA measures our performance.


  • May-June: Internal Evaluation Review (IER) panel
  • July: IER debriefs/EER planning
  • August: Interim Programme Evaluation and Plans (PEPs) and Institutional self-evaluation (31 August)
  • September: Documentation due for focus areas (21 September)
  • October: EER panel visit – 19-30 October 2020

Focus areas

For our October 2020 review, the focus areas have been confirmed as:

  • Bachelor of Construction
  • NZ Cert Auto Engineering L3
  • Vet Nursing – NZ Cert L5, NZ Dip L6 & Bachelor of Vet Nursing
  • NZ Dip Sport & Recreation
  • Social Practice – NZ Cert Health & Wellbeing, Bachelor of Social Practice, Master of Applied Practice
  • Māori Success Strategy Implementation and Outcomes (sample in the School of Creative Industries)
  • Pacific Success Strategy Implementation and Outcomes (sample in the School of Bridgepoint)
  • U25’s Strategy Implementation and Outcomes, and secondary/tertiary transition programmes (sample in the School of Trades and Services)
  • International student recruitment, support and wellbeing (sample in the School of Applied Business and School of Computing)

What does a high performing institute look like?

A NZQA Category 1 education provider can always demonstrate two key features underpinning its focus on student achievement: effective and accessible systems and processes and a culture of continuous improvement.

To help us build the Category 1 culture we’ve identified 7 habits of Category 1 ITPs:

  1. Put achievement for all of our student groups at the centre of everything
  2. Self-reflect, using valid evidence, within a culture of continuous improvement
  3. Be consistent across the organisation to align plans, people and practice
  4. Comply with policies, systems, processes and NZQA requirements
  5. Listen and learn from stakeholders (including learners)
  6. Programme design and delivery meet stakeholder needs
  7. Work in partnership: Ko tou rourou, ko tāku rourou


Your feedback

If you have a question or a suggestion, send a message to: EER2020@unitec.ac.nz.


Latest EER-related news and communications

> EER Update & Academic Quality Action Plan – October 2020

> EER Update & Academic Quality Action Plan – September 2020

> EER Update & Academic Quality Action Plan – July/August 2020

>EER Update & Academic Quality Action Plan – June 2020

> Our Internal Evaluation and Review kicks off – 27-05-20

> EER Update & Academic Quality Action Plan – May 2020

> EER Update & Academic Quality Action Plan – March 2020

> EER Progress Report – Academic Quality Action Plan – December 2019

> EER Progress Report – Academic Quality Action Plan – November 2019


A series of three posters is available, pictured below.

Contact Communications for copies or click on the image to download a PDF.