Emergency Management

Who should I contact in an emergency?

In an emergency (where there is imminent danger to people and property) please contact emergency services on:

  1. Call 111 in the first instance (entry through Gate 4)
  2. then contact Security 021 610 877 (tell them where the event is so they can bring the emergency services to you)

Also, contact the first available staff member (in order):

  1. Dan Brady – 021 224 6011
  2. Jo Adlam – 021 585 060
  3. Simon Nash – 021 029 34918
  4. Annette Pitovao – 021 339 757 (student related events)

For after-hours emergencies, contact Security on 021 610 877 (or 7114).

Emergency Management Planning

Unitec’s Emergency Management Planning Documents are available on the Te Aka, The Nest:

For any queries on Emergency Management Planning, contact Dan Brady.