UREC – Te Komiti Tikanga Matatika | Unitec Research Ethics Committee


Te Komiti Tikanga Matatika | Unitec Research Ethics Committee (UREC) is a Health Research Council (HRC) accredited ethics committee which operates within the bounds of Unitec’s Research Ethics Policy.  Researchers (students and staff) who are researching human beings, make applications on a range of purpose specific templates to have their research reviewed by the committee, which is comprised of experts prescribed by the HRC.  This process is designed to protect the participants and the researchers from risks such as conflict of interest, exploitation, breach of privacy, health and safety.

UREC derives its authority from the Unitec Academic Statute and reports on its activities to Academic Committee.

UREC works closely with Tūāpapa Rangahau.

Terms of Reference & Purpose

Document:  Academic Statute 2019, Section 8.1.
Location:  The Nest > Policies and Procedures > Academic Statute

  1. There shall be a Research Ethics Committee which shall be responsible to Council through Poari Mātauranga | Academic Board and which shall have power to report directly to Council.
  2. The powers and functions of the Research Ethics Committee shall be to:
    1. Recommend to Te Poari Mātauranga | Academic Board policy and processes for ensuring that Unitec’s research complies with ethical standards and international best practice;
    2. Approve research projects by staff and Students with respect to ensuring compliance with ethical standards and international best practice;
    3. Approve protocols for ensuring that research complies with ethical standards;
    4. Provide advice and guidance with regard to ethical standards related to research to anyone undertaking research at Unitec; and
    5. Provide an avenue for handling complaints or queries made in relation to the ethics of research at Unitec.
  3. Membership and practice of the Research Ethics Committee shall be in accordance with the National Standards for Ethics Committees and the Health Research Council’s Guidelines on Ethics in Health Research.
  4. Membership shall also include Student membership.



All linked policies are listed on The Nest under Policies and Procedures > Academic Policies.

Meetings, Submissions & Templates

Meetings – For the latest meeting information, please contact Committee Support (below).

Submissions – To present an item at a meeting, contact Committee Support (below).

Templates – Templates for memos are accessible through the main page for Academic Governance Committees.



Communications from the Chair

The Chair / Secretary communicates up to Academic Board.

Enquiries & Records

Committee Support (Research Administrator)

Official records are maintained in collaboration with the Committee Support of Academic Board, and are located on the Unitec H drive.  (Unable to hyperlink.)

  • H:2. Academic development-Academic Library2.0 CommitteesUnitec Research Ethics Committee



Last updated:  2019-11-27  //  Description  //  dweinholz