Agenda 2021-08-25

Te Poari Whai Kounga

Quality Alignment Board

Type:  Regular Meeting
Date:  Wednesday, 2021-08-25
Time:  0830h – 1030h
Chair:  Simon Tries
Location:  Microsoft Teams, due to Level 4 Lockdown

1. Whakatuwheratanga | Opening

1.1. Karakia Timatanga | Opening Prayer

Manawa mai te mauri nuku
Manawa mai te mauri rangi
Ko te mauri kai au
he mauri tipua
Ka pakaru mai te pō
Tau mai te mauri
Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!
Embrace the power of the earth
Embrace the power of the sky
The power I have
Is mystical
And shatters all darkness
Cometh the light
Join it, gather it, it is done!

1.2. Ngā Whakapāha | Apologies

  1. Bryan Davis – Proxy:  Jake Curran
  2. Diane Fraser – TBC
  3. Steve Varley

1.3. Whakahaere o te Komiti | Committee Management

  1. Tracker:  Attendance (Dated:  2021-07-14)
  2. Tracker:  Work Plan (Dated:  2021-07-14)
    1. Hui 2021-08-25
      1. QAB Review of Graduate Survey Report:  Institutional Summary 2021 – [Refer to Item 4.3.]
    2. Upcoming hui
      1. Hui 2021-10-06:  CEP Outcomes Report (Semester 1, 2021)
      2. Hui 2021-10-06:  PEP Interim Report 2021
      3. Hui 2021-11-17:  PAQC Chair Reporting (Round 3, 2021)
  3. Tracker:  Actions (Dated:  2021-07-14)
    1. Action-013:  Affected Performance Considerations
    2. Action-038:  PAQC Student Representative Recruitment

1.4. Pitopito Kōrero o ngā Hui | Minutes of the Previous Meeting/s

1.5. Mahia Atu | Matters Arising

  • (None)

1.6. Rārangi Wā | Key Dates

  • September 22:  Due date for submissions to the agenda
  • October 6:  Next hui

1.7. Chair Reporting

(Source:  Te Komiti Mātauranga, Agenda 2021-07-28)

  1. Te Poari Whai Kounga
  2. Te Komiti Mātauranga

1.8. Membership

  • Steve Varley – Taking leave of Absence from Unitec 2021-08-09 ~ 2022 mid-January.  Katie Bruffy overseeing membership replacement.  “Judi Simpson who is currently deputy chair of the Language Studies PAQC will step up to chair as from the next meeting on September 8.”

2. Oversight Reporting

2.1. Programme Academic Quality Oversight

  1. Consistency Reviews
    Presenter:  Eric Stone
    Oversight (Dated:  2021-08-16) with Rubric
  2. Degree Monitoring
    Presenter:  Steve Marshall
    Oversight (Dated:  2021-08-16) with Rubric
  3. Programme Reviews
    Presenter:  Jackie Tims
    Oversight (Dated:  2021-08-17) with Rubric

2.2. Te Komiti o ngā Hotaka | Programme Academic Quality Committees (PAQCs)

Presenter:  Steve Marshall

Remaining late PAQC Chair Reports, Round 2 of 3, 2021:

  1. Bridging Education and Supported Learning
    Author:  Clare Goodwin
  2. Building Construction
    Author:  Paul Jeurissen
  3. Environmental and Animal Sciences
    Author:  Adam Parkinson
  4. Trades and Services
    (No hui.  No report required.)

2.3. Academic Risk Management

Presenter:  Trude Cameron

3. Mea Hei Whakaae | Items To Approve

  1. Evaluation of QA Event Outcomes
    Presenter:  Simon Tries
    Memo with draft Rating Process
  2. Recommendations from the Graduate Survey Working Group 2021
    Presenter:  Trude Cameron

4. Mea Hei Kōrero | Items To Discuss

  1. QAB Self-Assessment Survey Outcomes (August 2021)
    Presenter:  Simon Tries (Chair)
    Memo with Survey Results 2021-08-12
  2. PAQC Self-Assessment Survey Outcomes (August 2021)
    Presenter:  Simon Tries (Chair)
    Memo with:

    1. PAQC Committee Survey Outcomes 2021 as at 20210812
    2. PAQC Summary of Self-Assessment Verbatim Comments
    3. PAQC Committee Survey 2021 Questions
  3. Graduate Surveys Institutional Summary 2021:  Results and 5-year Trends
    Presenter:  Simon Tries
    Memo with Report
  4. Course Evaluation and Planning:  Semester 1, 2021 – Progress update
    Presenter:  Sue Crossan

5. Ngā Tukunga | Items To Receive

5.1. Strategic Reporting

(Source:  Te Komiti Mātauranga, Agenda 2021-07-28)

None, as planned.

5.2. Ētahi Atu Rīpoata | Other Reports

  • (None)

6. Whakamutunga | Closing

  1. Ētahi Kaupapa Anō | Any Other Business (AOB)
  2. Karakia Whakamutunga | Closing Prayer
    Ka wehe atu tātou
    I raro i te rangimārie
    Te harikoa
    Me te manawanui
    Haumi ē! Hui ē! Taiki ē!
    We are departing
    And resolute
    We are united, progressing forward!

Released:  2021-08-18
2021-08-19  //  Item 3.1
. and 4.2.  //  dweinholz
2021-08-22  //  Item 2.3. and 3.2.  //  dweinholz