Agenda 2020-05-20


Regular Meeting of Quality Alignment Board
Time:  0830h – 1030h
Day:  Wednesday, 2020-05-20
Chair:  Simon Tries

Location:  Zoom Video Link
Password:  046337
Host:  Simon Tries

Terms of Reference and Membership are located on the main Quality Alignment Board page.

1. Whakatuwheratanga | Opening

1.1. Karakia Timatanga | Opening Prayer

Manawa mai te mauri nuku
Manawa mai te mauri rangi
Ko te mauri kai au
he mauri tipua
Ka pakaru mai te pō
Tau mai te mauri
Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!
Embrace the power of the earth
Embrace the power of the sky
The power I have
Is mystical
And shatters all darkness
Cometh the light
Join it, gather it, it is done!

1.2. Mihi Whakatau | Welcome Speech

  1. Committee Self-Assessment
    • Topic:  (TBA)
  2. Important Dates
    • 2020-05-27:  Agenda submissions open
    • 2020-06-03:  Agenda submissions close
    • 2020-06-10:  Agenda target release date
    • 2020-06-17:  Next scheduled meeting
  3. Communications from the Chair of Academic Board
  4. Communications from the Chair of Quality Alignment Board
  5. Membership
    1. Darren Tolmie – Resignation from Unitec
    2. Rosemary Dewerse – Resignation
    3. Eric Stone – Replacing the role of Rosemary Dewerse

1.3. Ngā Whakapāha | Apologies

  1. Maura Kempin – Workload:  Impact of Lockdown  – Proxy:  Maureen Perkins
  2. Chantelle Daniels
  3. Cris De Groot – Workload:  Cover teaching a class
  4. Jake Curran – Workload:  Impact of Lockdown
  5. Linda Aumua – Whanau health

1.4. Pitopito Kōrero o ngā Hui | Minutes of the Previous Meeting/s

  1. 2020-04-22 QAB Minutes (Zoom and E-Meeting Combined) (Draft)

1.5. Mahia Atu | Matters Arising

  1. Response to Questions Arising on QAB 2020-04-22 E-Meeting, Item 3.1. AQAP Updates
    Simon Nash
    Verbal response

1.6. Committee Management

  1. Attendance Tracker (Updated:  2020-04-22)
    • Senior Academic – Building Construction:  Role still to be filled.
    • Senior Academic – Community Studies:  Resignation from Unitec; member to be replaced.
  2. Work Plan (Updated:  2020-03-18).
    For adoption by QAB as a working document:  QAB Work Plan 2020 v2
    Work items overdue, due and due soon include:

    1. (April) Report on Process and Outcomes from PEP Process – Partially completed as 2020-04-22, Item 2.1.
    2. (April) Student Performance Report – Yet to receive.  ETA June meeting of QAB.
    3. (May) Report on the IER – TBC due to impact of Lockdown
    4. (May) Report on Stakeholder Engagement- TBC between the Chair and the Stakeholder Engagement team
    5. (June) Results of Annual Attestation Compliance Process
    6. (June) PAQC Chair Reports for 2020-Q2
    7. (June) PAQC Thematic Report for 2020-Q2
  3. Ngā Tautapu Arotake | Action Items

2. Mea Hei Whakaae | Items To Approve

  1. Programme Evaluation and Planning Āta-kōrero (2020 Interim)
    Simon Tries
    Memo for discussion and approval

3. Mea Hei Kōrero | Items To Discuss

  1. Academic Quality Action Plan (AQAP)
    Source:  Academic Board 2020-05-06, Item 4.1.9.
    Simon Nash
    Memo to Academic Board and ELT along with:

    1. AQAP Progress Overview
    2. Full AQAP Project Plan
  2. Managing Academic Risk
    Simon Tries
    Memo with Summary Report
  3. Activities to Support a Positive EER 2020 Outcome
    Simon Tries
  4. Progress Report for Online Course Evaluation and Planning (CEP)
    Rosemary Dewerse / Sue Crossan
    Memo with Snapshot of Online CEP Form

4. Ngā Tukunga | Items To Receive

4.1. Rīpoata a te Kaiwhakahaere o ngā Rōpū Whakaarotau | Priority Group Director Reports

  1. Māori
    Source:  Academic Board, 2020-05-06
    Author:  Toni Rewiri
    Presenter:  Te Hau Hona
  2. Pacific
    Source: Academic Board, 2020-05-06
    Author:  Falaniko Tominiko
    Presenter:  Lupeti Fihaki
  3. International
    Source: Academic Board, 2020-05-06
    Presenter:  Tracy Chapman
  4. Under-25s
    Source: Academic Board, 2020-05-06
    Presenter:  Andrea Thumath

4.2. Oversight Reporting

  1. Programme Academic Quality Committees (PAQCs)
    Steve Marshall
    Memo with Late PAQC Quarterly Reports:

    1. ARCH – Architecture
    2. BESL – Bridging Education and Supported Learning
    3. CONS – Building Construction
    4. ENGG – Engineering and Applied Technology
    5. ELEC – Electrical and Applied Technology
    6. CSTUD (revised report) – Community Studies
    7. LAND – Landscape
    8. PASA – Performing and Screen Arts
    9. SOCP – Social Practice
    10. TRADES – Trades and Services
    11. UPC – Unitec Pathways College
      1. Report 2020-04-17
      2. Report 2020-05-13
  2. PAQC Actions for QAB
    Reporting from 2020-Q1 produced four Actions for QAB.  Format of reporting and tracking within QAB is TBC.  Options include another Actions Table, or a “Memo with Tracker” format.

    1. (2020-04-22, Item 4.2.1., Recommendation)
      That the Affected Performance Consideration Student Evidence Form include a specific place, and requirement for a GP to affix their Stamp.
    2. (2020-04-22, Item 4.2.1., Recommendation)
      Further assistance to Medical Imaging staff to support them to successfully encapsulate Mātauranga Maori within their courses
    3. (2020-04-22, Item 4.2.1., Escalation)
      Medical Imaging have identified a need to increase computer lab availability at Waitakere, if even on a temporary basis.
    4. (2020-04-22, Item 4.2.1., Escalation)
      Design and Contemporary Arts wishes to inform the QAB that the provision of fit-for-purpose facilities; no confirmed facilities beyond 2021; as well as the ongoing shift of technical workshops for Design is seen as a significant risk. The PAQC requests some commentary regarding proposed timelines for decision making regarding this issue.
  3. Degree Monitoring
    Te Korowai Kahurangi
    Verbal update
  4. Consistency Reviews
    Te Korowai Kahurangi // Jackie Tims
    Memo with Tracker
    (Verbal:  Note from NZQA)

4.3. Ētahi Atu Rīpoata | Other Reports


5. Kupu Whakamutunga | Closing

  1. Ētahi Kaupapa Anō | Any Other Business (AOB)
  2. Committee Self-Assessment
    Topic:  (TBA)
  3. Karakia Whakamutunga | Closing Prayer
    Ka wehe atu tātou
    I raro i te rangimārie
    Te harikoa
    Me te manawanui
    Haumi ē! Hui ē! Taiki ē!
    We are departing
    And resolute
    We are united, progressing forward!


First release:  2020-05-15
2020-05-19, 1210h  //  Item 1.4. Draft Minutes; Item 3.2. Academic Risk; Item 4.2.2. PAQC Actions for QAB  //  dweinholz
2020-05-18, 1155h  //  Item 4.2.1. PAQCs  //  dweinholz