QAB – Te Poari Whai Kounga | Quality Alignment Board


Te Poari Whai Kounga | Quality Alignment Board (QAB) (the “Committee”) has delegated authority for oversight and improvements to the academic quality systems at Unitec and is accountable to Te Komiti Mātauranga | Academic Committee for its actions. The Committee reports to Te Komiti Mātauranga | Academic Committee following each meeting. The Committee, identifies areas of good practice and areas for improvement and monitors academic quality issues and trends through oversight of the Programme Academic Quality Committees (PAQCs) and the institute’s quality systems such as:

  • Course Evaluation and Planning (CEP)
  • Programme Evaluation and Planning (PEPs)
  • NZQA degree monitoring
  • Five-year programme review

For more details please see the linked Terms of Reference (2021).

In summary the committee:


  • Ex Officio membership and members as of 15 March 2023 are:
  • Deputy Chief Executive (DCE), Academic – Martin Carroll
  • Director, Māori Success – Toni Vaughan
  • Director, Pacific Success – Falaniko Tominiko
  • Director, International Success (International Business Support Manager) – Michelle Watson
  • Director, Under-25s Success – Andrea Thumath
  • Director, Student Success – Annette Pitovao
  • Director, Te Korowai Kahurangi – Simon Tries
  • Manager, Te Puna Ako – Jocelyn Williams
  • Lead – Quality Systems, Te Korowai Kahurangi – Eric Stone
  • Lead – Quality Partnering, Te Korowai Kahurangi – Vacant (Steve Marshall currently seconded to Te Pūkenga)
  • Student President – Vacant

Nominated membership and members as of 15 March 2023 are:

  • Two Heads of School (HOS)
    • School of Building Construction – Paul Jeurissen
    • School of Trades and Services – Lee Baglow
  • One Senior Academic from each School, nominated and appointed by each Head of School
    • School of Applied Business – Antoinette Wessels
    • School of Architecture – Yusef Patel
    • School of Building Construction – Sadegh Aliakbarlou
    • School of Bridgepoint and Community Studies – Wesley Verhoeff
    • School of Computing Engineering and Applied Technology – Mirjana Bogosanovic
    • School of Creative Industries – Rebecca Wood
    • School of Environment and Animal Science – Diane Fraser
    • School of Trades and Services – Bryan Davis
    • School of Healthcare and Social Practice – Vacant

Meetings, Submissions & Templates

Meetings – The Committee meets six-weekly.

  • 10 March 2023
  • 12 April 2023
  • 24 May 2023
  • 5 July 2023
  • 16 August 2023
  • 27 September 2023
  • 8 November 2023

Submissions –The due date for submissions is TWO WEEKS before the meeting date.  E.g. A meeting on 8 May, 2019 would have a submissions due date of 24 April, 2019. To present an item at a meeting, contact Committee Support (Secretary):

Templates – Any submission should be accompanied using the linked memorandum template.

Agenda and Minutes

Access to up-coming agendas and previous agendas, minutes and papers are available on the H drive.  To access the Unitec H drive:

  • Log into the Unitec H: drive
  • Copy the following address into the address bar
    • H:\2. Academic Development\E-Academic Library\2.0 Committees\Quality Alignment Board