PGRSC – Te Komiti Whakahaere a ngā Pia | Postgraduate Research & Scholarships Committee


Te Komiti Whakahaere a ngā Pia | Postgraduate Research & Scholarships Committee (PGRSC) provides oversight of policy and quality of our Level 9 and 10 programmes and their research activities, including approving thesis proposals, appointing examiners, approving thesis grades, and awarding scholarships.  Operating within the Conduct of Student Research Policy, membership includes the Directors of Research and Student Success areas, postgraduate programme leaders, other academics and a Student Council member.

PGRSC derives its authority from Te Komiti Mātauranga | Academic Committee.

PGRSC works closely with Tūāpapa Rangahau.


To oversee the institute’s postgraduate Level 9 and 10 quality systems, to identify areas of good practice and areas for improvement and monitor academic quality issues and trends.


PGRSC is framed within the values of:

  • Kaitiakitanga for the Academic Portfolio and Academic Quality, and
  • Mahi Kotahitanga and Ngākau Māhaki for its support of the Level 9 and 10 programmes.

PGRSC is accountable to Te Komiti Mātauranga | Academic Committee for ensuring appropriate standards and quality are maintained at Level 9 and 10.

Terms of Reference

4.1 PGRSC is a sub-committee of the Te Komiti Mātauranga | Academic Committee and has the following powers and functions in relation to Level 9 and 10 Masters and Doctoral programmes:
a) Approve proposals for Level 10 theses;
b) Oversee the processes of the approval of proposals for Level 9 research having 90 or more credits and confirmation of supervisory arrangements (including replacement supervisors);
c) Approve registration of supervisors;
d) Appoint examiners, conveners and adjudicators for Level 9 research having 90 or more credits and Level 10 research, on the recommendation of the Academic Leader;
e) Consider the reports of examiners and declare and approve the final grade for a Level 9 research having 90 or more credits and Level 10 research;
f) Award and oversee the administration of Postgraduate Scholarships; and,
g) Make recommendations to Te Komiti Mātauranga | Academic Committee on changes to the Generic Regulations affecting Postgraduate Programmes as necessary.


3.1 Membership of PGSRC shall comprise:
a) The Director, Research and Enterprise
b) The Leader of each Postgraduate Programme;
c) The Director, Student Success or nominee;
d) The Director, Teaching and Learning (Mātauranga Māori) or nominee;
e) The Director, Pacific Success or nominee;
f) One member of the Student Council nominated by the Student Council
g) Members, mostly drawn from the academic community, co-opted by the Sub-Committee for a term as required; and
h) Members co-opted by the Te Komiti Mātauranga | Academic Committee for a term as required.
3.2 The term of office of appointed members shall be one year.
3.3 Appointments shall be made to the Committee at or before the February meeting of the Te Komiti Mātauranga | Academic Committee each year.
3.4 The Chair of the Committee shall be the Director, Research and Enterprise.


All linked policies are listed on The Nest under Policies and Procedures > Academic Policies.


The Chair of the Committee reports to the Te Komiti Mātauranga | Academic Committee following each meeting.


Committee RoleMember Name
Chair (Director, Research and Enterprise)Assoc Prof Marcus Williams
Doctor of Computing Assoc Prof Iman Ardekani
Master of ComputingAssoc Prof Iman Ardekani
Master of Osteopathy Dr Saeideh Aminian
Master of Creative Practice Dr Becca Wood
Master of Design Dr Becca Wood
Master of Architecture (Professional) Annabel Pretty
Master of Architecture (Research)Assoc Prof Matthew Bradbury
Master of Landscape Architecture
Assoc Prof Matthew Bradbury
Master of Applied Practice (Social Practice)Assoc Prof Helen Gremillion
Research Professional Development LiaisonAssoc Prof Helen Gremillion
Director, Māori Success or nomineeDr Hinekura Smith (Nominee)
Director, Pacific Success or nomineeDr James Prescott (Nominee)
Director, Student Success or nominee
Dr Hinekura Smith (Nominee)
One Member of the Student Council nominated by the Student CouncilSivaram Anandasivam(Student President, Student Council)

Submissions & Templates

To present an item at a meeting, please email

Templates for memos are accessible through the page for Academic Governance Committees.


For older Agendas and Papers, please refer to the E-Academic Library.

  • H:2. Academic DevelopmentE-Academic Library2.0 CommitteesPostgraduate Research & Scholarships Committee






For older Minutes, please refer to the E-Academic Library.

  • H:2. Academic DevelopmentE-Academic Library2.0 CommitteesPostgraduate Research & Scholarships Committee



All meeting in 2021 will be held online using MS Teams.


All meetings in 2022 will be held online using MS Teams

Meeting Dates

Meeting DatePaper Submission DeadlineTimeVenue
2nd March 202119th February 20212:00 PM to 4:00 PMMS Teams Meeting
13th April 20211st April 20212:00 PM to 4:00 PMMS Teams Meeting
4th May 202123rd April 20212:00 PM to 4:00 PMMS Teams Meeting
1st June 202121st May 20212:00 PM to 4:00 PMMS Teams Meeting
6th July 202125th June 20212:00 PM to 4:00 PMMS Teams Meeting
3rd August 202123rd July 20212:00 PM to 4:00 PMMS Teams Meeting
7th September 202127th August 20212:00 PM to 4:00 PMMS Teams Meeting
5th October 202124th September 20212:00 PM to 4:00 PMMS Teams Meeting
2nd November 202122nd October 20212:00 PM to 4:00 PMMS Teams Meeting
7th December 202126th November 20212:00 PM to 4:00 PMMS Teams Meeting

Enquiries & Records

The Secretary of the Committee is Hamza Qazi, Administrator Academic Quality, Extn 7025.  Please email


Official records are maintained on the Unitec H drive, E-Academic Library.

  • H:2. Academic DevelopmentE-Academic Library2.0 CommitteesPostgraduate Research & Scholarships Committee



Last update:
2021-03-17  //  Minutes and Agendas, Memberships, Meeting Dates  //  HQazi