AALTC – Ako Ahimura | Learning & Teaching Committee


Ako Ahimura | Learning & Teaching Committee has delegated authority for the strategic direction and priorities for learning and teaching at Unitec.  Its focus is more on longer-term planning and strategic direction and pedagogy, whereas Te Poari Whai Kounga | Quality Alignment Board (QAB) is more focused on oversight of operational matters and quality/compliance.  It met 6-weekly in 2021 and reports to Te Komiti Mātauranga | Academic Committee.  Similar to QAB, members include Directors of Research and Student Success, the Student President, Heads of School, Senior Academics from each School, and the Managers of Te Korowai Kahurangi and Te Puna Ako.

Ako Ahimura:


To provide Unitec with strategic directions and priorities for learning and teaching and maintain related institutional policies, protocols and associated processes.

Terms of Reference & Membership

Members List (Updated:  2022-04-07)

  1. (Chair) Jocelyn Williams
  2. Caleb Wong
  3. Destiny Povey
  4. James Oldfield
  5. Kiri Neho Wijohn
  6. Lee-Anne Turton
  7. Lorne Roberts
  8. Martin Carroll
  9. Mitra Etemaddar
  10. Rokosiga Morrison
  11. Rowena Fuluifaga
  12. Simon Tries
  13. Sivaram Anandasivam
  14. Steve Tsai
  15. Sue Emerson
  16. Sue Tulett
  17. Tina Hsieh

Quorum (majority) count:  9

Meetings, Submissions & Templates

Meetings – For the latest meeting information, please contact Committee Support (below).  Alternatively, refer to the list of scheduled meetings for the year under Agendas (below).

Submissions – To present an item at a meeting, contact Committee Support (below).  The due date for submissions is TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE MEETING DATE.  E.g. A meeting on 8 May, 2019 would have a submissions due date of 24 April, 2019.

Templates – Any submission should be accompanied by a Memo.  Templates for memos are accessible through the main page for Academic Governance Committees.


For older Agendas and Papers, please refer to the E-Academic Library.  (Unable to hyperlink.)

  • H:\2. Academic Development\E-Academic Library\2.0 Committees\Ako Ahimura

2019 Agenda

Starting in September 2019, agendas upgraded from paper/PDF-based publication to web-based publication (below). For older PDF-based agendas and papers, please refer to the E-Academic Library (above).

2020 Agenda

2021 Agenda

2022 Agenda

  • Week 11:  2022-03-09 AALTC Agenda
  • Week 20:  2022-05-11 – Submissions due 2022-04-27 (postponed from earlier date)
  • Week 23:  2022-06-01 – Submissions due 2022-05-18
  • Week 29:  2022-07-13 – Submissions due 2022-06-29
  • Week 35:  2022-08-24 – Submissions due 2022-08-10
  • Week 41:  2022-10-05 – Submissions due 2022-09-21
  • Week 47:  2022-11-16 – Submissions due 2022-11-02






  • 2022-03-09 – Drafted for approval

Enquiries & Records

Secretary:  AA-LTC@unitec.ac.nz

Official records are maintained on the Unitec H drive.  (Unable to hyperlink.)

  • H:\2. Academic Development\E-Academic Library\2.0 Committees\Ako Ahimura