Agenda 2021-06-16

Te Komiti Mātauranga

Academic Committee

Type:  Regular Meeting
Date:  Wednesday, 2021-06-16
Time:  0830h – 1130h
Chair:  Martin Carroll

Location:  180-2045

1. Whakatuwheratanga | Opening

1.1. Karakia Timatanga | Opening Prayer

Manawa mai te mauri nuku
Manawa mai te mauri rangi
Ko te mauri kai au
he mauri tipua
Ka pakaru mai te pō
Tau mai te mauri
Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!
Embrace the power of the earth
Embrace the power of the sky
The power I have
Is mystical
And shatters all darkness
Cometh the light
Join it, gather it, it is done!

1.2. Ngā Whakapāha | Apologies

  • (None)

1.2.1. New Membership

Related:  Terms of Reference 2021, Item 5.2.1. (ELT representative)
Not related:  Terms of Reference 2021, Item 5.1.2. (CE ex officio)

1.3. Committee Management

  1. Tracker:  Attendance (Updated:  2021-05-05)
  2. Tracker:  Work Plan (Updated:  2021-05-05)
    1. 2021 Week 13:  2021-03-24
      1. Te Komiti Mātauranga Annual Report 2020
    2. 2021 Week 25:  2021-06-16

      • (None)
    3. 2021 Week 27:  2021-06-30
      Submissions due:  2021-06-16

      1.  Institutional Academic Evaluation and Planning (Extraordinary Hui o Te Komiti Mātauranga)
    4. 2021 Week 31:  2021-07-28
      Submissions due:  2021-07-14

      1. Research Productivity Traffic Light (RPTL) Report
      2. QAB Review of Statutory Declaration to NZQA
    5. 2021 Week 37:  2021-09-08
      Submissions due:  2021-08-25

      1. QAB Review of Graduate Survey Report (Graduands 2020)
      2. Ako Ahimura Review of Student Course Survey Report (Semester 1, 2021)
      3. Ako Ahimura Review of Student NPS Survey Reports Extracts (Semester 1, 2021)
      4. Research Annual Report 2020
      5. Education Code of Practice (Pastoral Care) Performance Self-Assessment Report
  3. Tracker:  Actions (Updated:  2021-05-05)
    • Action-059:  Strategy, Policy & Procedure Approval Process
    • Action-060:  Attendance of Chief Executive

1.4. Pitopito Kōrero o ngā Hui | Minutes of the Previous Meeting/s

  1. Regular:  2021-03-24 Te Komiti Mātauranga Minutes (draft) – Amended and consulted
  2. Regular:  2021-05-05 Te Komiti Mātauranga Minutes (draft)
  3. Standing:  2021-04-28 ACSC Minutes
  4. Standing:  2021-04-30 ACSC Minutes
  5. Standing:  2021-05-12 ACSC Minutes
  6. Standing:  2021-05-26 ACSC Minutes

1.5. Mahia Atu | Matters Arising

  • (None)

1.6. Key Dates

  1. Week 25 – Wed., 2021-06-16:  Due date for agenda items for Extraordinary Hui 2021-06-30
  2. Week 27 – Wed., 2021-06-30:  Extraordinary Hui o Te Komiti Mātauranga (Institutional Academic Evaluation and Planning)
  3. Week 29 – Wed., 2021-07-14:  Due date for agenda items for Hui 2021-07-14
  4. Week 31 – Wed., 2021-07-28:  Hui o Te Komiti Mātauranga o Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka

1.7. Chair Reporting

1.8. Committee Self-Assessment:  Topic

  • To review frequency, relevance and order of committee self-assessment.

2. Mea Hei Whakaae | Items To Approve / Endorse

  1. Programme Changes:  Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education)
    Presenter/s:  Simon Tries (Chair, Academic Approvals Committee
  2. Unitec Submission to RoVE on Simplifying New Zealand Qualifications
    Presenter/s:  Martin Carroll
    Memo with Submission

3. Mea Hei Kōrero | Items To Discuss

  1. EER Action Plan (draft)
    Presenter/s:  Simon Tries
    Memo with Action Plan to Address EER Recommendations (Draft)

4. Ngā Tukunga | Items To Receive

4.1. Strategic Reporting

  1. Māori Success
    Presenter/s:  Toni Rewiri
  2. Pacific Success
    Presenter/s:  Falaniko Tominiko
  3. International Success
    Presenter/s:  Annette Pitovao
  4. Under-25s Success
    Presenter/s: Andrea Thumath
  5. Student Success
    Presenter/s: Annette Pitovao
  6. Disabled Learners
    Presenter/s:  Annette Pitovao
    Report with Prioritising Disability Stakeholder Engagement (PPT)
  7. Student Voice
    Presenter/s:  Aroha Dykes (Student President)
    >> Verbal update

4.2. Subcommittee Reporting

  1. Te Komiti Rangahau o Unitec | Unitec Research Committee
    Presenter/s:  Marcus Williams
    Chair Report:  URC 2021-06-04
  2. Te Komiti Tikanga Matatika | Unitec Research Ethics Committee
    Presenter/s:  Marcus Williams
    Chair Report:  UREC 2021-06-08
  3. Te Komiti Whakahaere a ngā Pia | Postgraduate Research and Scholarships Committee
    Presenter/s:  Marcus Williams
    Chair Report:  PGRSC 2021-06-04
  4. Te Komiti Whakamana Hotaka Hou | Academic Approvals Committee
    Presenter/s:  Simon Tries
    Chair Report:  AAC – No new meetings to report.
  5. Ako Ahimura | Learning and Teaching Committee
    Presenter/s:  Maura Kempin
    Chair Report:  AA-LTC 2021-05-26

    1. Copy of TCD Final Report 2020 to Ako Ahimura
  6. Te Poari Whai Kounga | Quality Alignment Board
    Presenter/s:  Simon Tries
    Chair Report:  QAB 2021-06-08
  7. Academic Recovery Committee
    Presenter/s:  Chris King
    Chair Report:  ARC (including closure reporting) – Deferred to next hui.

4.3. Quality Management System (QMS) Reporting

  1. Oversight of Quality Assurance Systems
    For reference – Live Link (PowerBI):  Unitec Academic Quality
    Presenter/s:  Simon Tries
    Memo with:

    1. Snapshot:  Quality Assurance (2021-06-09)
    2. Snapshot:  Programme Development and Approval (2021-06-09)
  2. Academic Risk Management
    Live Link:  Unitec Academic Risk
    Presenter/s:  Trude Cameron
    Memo with Report (May 2021)
  3. Te Pūkenga Updates

4.4. Ngā Rīpoata | Other Reports

  1. Academic Complaints and Appeals
    Presenter/s:  Simon Nash
    Copy of Memo (2021-06-08) to ELT for 2021-Q1

5. Kupu Whakamutunga | Closing

5.1. Ētahi Kaupapa Anō | Any Other Business (AOB)

  • (None)

5.2. Committee Self-Assessment:  Response from Members

  • (Response to Item 1.8.)

5.3. Karakia Whakamutunga | Closing Prayer

Ka wehe atu tātou
I raro i te rangimārie
Te harikoa
Me te manawanui
Haumi ē! Hui ē! Taiki ē!
We are departing
And resolute
We are united, progressing forward!

First release:  2021-06-09
Last update:
2021-06-16  //  Item 2.2. Unitec Submission to RoVE; Item 1.7. Chair Report AC  //  dweinholz
2021-06-14  //  Item Programme Transition Planning  //  dweinholz