Agenda 2019-10-09


Regular Meeting of Academic Board
0900h – 1200h, Wednesday, 2019-10-09
Building 180, Room 2044 (not 2043)
Chair:  Simon Nash

1. Whakatuwheratanga | Opening

1.1. Karakia Timatanga | Opening Prayer

Manawa mai te mauri nuku
Manawa mai te mauri rangi
Ko te mauri kai au
he mauri tipua
Ka pakaru mai te pō
Tau mai te mauri
Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!
Embrace the power of the earth
Embrace the power of the sky
The power I have
Is mystical
And shatters all darkness
Cometh the light
Join it, gather it, it is done!

1.2. Mihi Whakatau | Welcome Speech

  • Committee self-assessment
    • Today:  Performance of Chair
    • Immediate future:  View toward EER

1.3. Ngā Whakapāha | Apologies

  1. Marcus Williams (No proxy available):  PBRF Review Panel meeting in Wellington
  2. Chris King (Proxy – Trude Cameron)

1.4. Mahia Atu | Matters Arising


1.5. Pitopito Kōrero o ngā Hui | Minutes of the Previous Meeting/s

  1. Regular Meetings
    1. 20190911 AB Minutes (Draft)
  2. Online Meetings
  3. Special Meetings
  4. Te Komiti Matua of te Poari Mātauranga (Standing Committee)
    1. 20190912 ABSC Minutes

1.6. Committee Work and Actions

  1. Committee Work Plan (2019) as at 2019-07-04 – To be reviewed after stocktake of the Quality Management System.
  2. Ngā Tautapu Arotake | Actions for Review 20191009

2. Mea Hei Whakaae | Items To Approve

  1. Target Setting for 2022 – Successful Course Completion and Qualification Completion
    (For reference:  Original Memo as presented to Academic Board 2019-09-11.)
    Simon Tries
    Verbal update:
    – Qualification Completion targets:  Approved 2019-09-11.
    – Course Completion targets:  School level targets pending outcomes of Action-045
    – Progression & Retention targets:  Work in progress with Te Korowai Kahurangi and the Schools
  2. Guidelines and Recommendations for the Utilisation of Student Survey Verbatim Data
    (For reference:  Original Memo as presented to Academic Board 2019-09-11.  To be updated and resubmitted to Academic Board 2019-11-13.)
    Simon Tries
    Verbal update
  3. New Language Training Schemes from Bridgepoint
    Simon Tries, Chair of Academic Approvals Committee
    Memo with Proposal Form

3. Ngā Tukunga | Items To Receive

3.1. Rīpoata a te Kaiwhakahaere o ngā Rōpū Whakaarotau | Priority Group Director Reports

  1. Māori
    Toni Rewiri
    Verbal update
  2. Pacific
    Falaniko Tominiko
  3. International
    Tracy Chapman
  4. Under-25s
    Andrea Thumath
    Verbal update

3.2. Subcommittee Chair Reports

  1. Te Komiti Rangahau o Unitec
    Unitec Research Committee – Marcus Williams
    URC Chair Report (2019-09-30, 1525h:  Late submission.)
  2. Te Komiti Tikanga Matatika
    Unitec Research Ethics Committee – Marcus Williams
    UREC Chair Report – Next report shall be to Academic Board 2019-11-13.
  3. Te Komiti Whakahaere a ngā Pia
    Postgraduate Research and Ethics Committee – Marcus Williams
    PGRSC Chair Report (2019-09-30, 1525h:  Late submission.)
  4. Te Komiti Whakamana Hotaka Hou
    Academic Approvals Committee – Simon Tries
    AAC Chair Report – Verbal update
  5. Ako Ahimura
    Ako Ahimura | Learning and Teaching Committee – Simon Nash
    AA-LTC Chair Report (2019-09-30, 1453h:  Late submission.)

    1. Teacher Capability
      Manager, Te Puna Ako – Maura Kempin
      Teacher Capability Development Report (Copied up from Ako Ahimura)
  6. Te Poari Whai Kounga
    Quality Alignment Board – Simon Tries
    QAB Chair Report (2019-09-30, 1503h:  Late submission)

3.3. Quality Management System Reports

  • QMS Stocktake Update
    Simon Nash / Simon Tries
    Verbal update
  1. Programme Management
    Simon Tries

    1. Programme Development
      Report with Table
    2. Programme Reviews (5-year Reviews)
      Verbal update – No change since last report.
    3. Expiring and Discontinued Programmes
      Report with tables of Expiring Programmes and Discontinued Programmes
  2. Degree Monitoring
    Simon Tries
    Verbal update
  3. Student Success
    Annette Pitovao & Helen Vea
    Verbal update
    – Student Journey Framework overview of multiple strategies is under development, after which written reports could commence.
  4. Industry Engagement
    Heather Stonyer
    Verbal update
  5. Self-Assessment
    (Item yet to be established)
  6. Academic Risk Register
    Simon Tries
  7. Heads of Schools
    Chris King and Katie Bruffy
    Verbal update
  8. NZQA and ITP Sector Update
    Rosemary Dewerse & Simon Tries

3.4. Academic Quality Action Plan (AQAP) Updates

Simon Nash

  1. Memo from Director Ako to Academic Board, ELT and the Commissioner
  2. AQAP Progress Overview
  3. Full AQAP Project Plan

3.5. Ngā Rīpoata | Other Reports

  1. Unitec Annual Self-Review of the Education (Pastoral Care of International Students) Code of Practice (2019)
    Tracy Chapman
  2. Course and Programme Setup and Delivery
    (Deferred in from Academic Board 2019-09-11.)
    Simon Tries
    Report – Full Analysis

4. Mea Hei Kōrero | Items To Discuss


5. Kupu Whakamutunga | Closing

  1. Ētahi Kaupapa Anō | Any Other Business (AOB)
  2. Committee Self-Assessment
    Topic:  Performance of Chair
  3. Karakia Whakamutunga | Closing Prayer
    Ka wehe atu tātou
    I raro i te rangimārie
    Te harikoa
    Me te manawanui
    Haumi ē! Hui ē! Taiki ē!
    We are departing
    And resolute
    We are united, progressing forward!


First release:  2019-10-02
2019-10-07  //  Section 6 (Committee Documents) removed due to redundancy.  Minor formatting changes.  Apologies from Chris King.  //  dweinholz