AACSC – Te Komiti Matua o te Komiti Whakamana Hōtaka Hou | Academic Approvals Committee Standing Committee


To ensure that any matters considered by the committee align with all relevant external requirements and is aligned to Unitec Strategy and meets the internal requirements of Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka | Unitec Institute of Technology Limited.

Decisions and actions of the Standing Committee shall be:

  1. Reported to the Academic Approvals Committee at its next scheduled meeting; and
  2. Deemed to be the decision or action of the Academic Approvals Committee.

Terms of Reference & Membership

Meetings, Submissions & Templates

Meetings – The Committee meets as needed.  Meetings are set up by Committee Support (below).

Submissions – To present an item at a meeting, contact Committee Support (below).

Templates – Any submission should be accompanied by a Memo.  Templates for memos are accessible through the main page for Academic Governance Committees.

Agendas and Minutes

For older Agendas and Papers, please refer to the E-Academic Library.  (Unable to hyperlink.)

  • H:\2. Academic Development\E-Academic Library\2.0 Committees\Academic Approvals Committee Standing Committee

Enquiries & Records

Committee Support

Official records are maintained on the Unitec H drive.  (Unable to hyperlink.)

  • H:\2. Academic Development\E-Academic Library\2.0 Committees\Academic Approvals Committee Standing Committee



Last updates:

2020-09-16  //  Page created  //  hhodge 

2022-06-03 // Membership updated // kmiller