Agenda 2020-08-18*


Academic Approvals Committee
Type:  Regular Meeting – Delayed
Time:  0830h – 1030h
Date:  Wednesday, 2020-08-18 (Delayed from 2020-08-12)
Chair:  Simon Tries
Location:  Zoom Meeting
Password:  263836

1. Whakatuwheratanga | Opening

1.1. Karakia Timatanga | Opening Karakia

Manawa mai te mauri nuku
Manawa mai te mauri rangi
Ko te mauri kai au
he mauri tipua
Ka pakaru mai te pō
Tau mai te mauri
Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!
Embrace the power of the earth
Embrace the power of the sky
The power I have
Is mystical
And shatters all darkness
Cometh the light
Join it, gather it, it is done!

1.2. Mihi Whakatau | Welcome Speech

  1. Committee Self-Assessment
    • Today:  (None)
  2. Important Target Dates
    • Submissions Due (as per communications to Schools and PAQCs)
    • Review of Application Completeness
      • COB Monday, 2020-08-31
        Jackie Tims (Secretariat)

        • Front page of applications must record the date of PAQC approval.
        • AAC cannot process applications which have no evidence of PAQC approval.
    • Agenda & Work Allocation
      • COB Tuesday, 2020-09-01 (Reviewed from COB Thursday, 2020-08-27)
        Daniel Weinholz (Secretary) – Agenda; (Chair / Secretariat) – Work Allocation
    • Evaluation Form Feedback (OneDrive)
      • Noon Monday, 2020-09-07
        AAC Members – Refer to Work Allocation email.
    • Response to Programme Teams
      • COB Monday, 2020-09-07
        Jackie Tims (Secretariat)
    • Meeting
      • 0830h-1030h, Wednesday, 2020-09-09
        AAC Members; Programme Team Representatives (notified by Secretariat)
  3. Chair Report, Te Poari Mātauranga
  4. Chair Report, Academic Approvals Committee
  5. Member/s Incoming
    • Susan Bennett
  6. Member/s Outgoing
    • Pedro Ilgenfritz – Replacement TBC

1.3. Ngā Whakapāha | Apologies

  1. Jayne Mercier
  2. Malama Saifoloi
  3. Prabhat Chand
  4. Quentin Williams – To depart at 1000h
  5. Rakesh Patel

1.4. Pitopito Kōrero o ngā Hui | Minutes of the Previous Meeting/s

  1. 2020-07-08  AAC Minutes (Draft)
  2. 2020-07-22 AAC Minutes – Extraordinary Meeting (Draft)

1.5. Mahia Atu | Matters Arising


1.6. Committee Management

  1. Work Plan Tracker (Last review:  2020-07-31)
  2. Attendance Tracker (Updated:  2020-07-08 & 2020-07-22)
  3. Ngā Tautapu Arotake | Actions
    1. Source:  AAC 2020-05-13, Item 2.1.1.
      Action-001:  Implementation of MIT HyFlex Model
      Quentin Williams to engage with the School of Applied Business on the implementation of the MIT HyFlex Model within Unitec to support as well as to capture any lessons learned for Unitec.
      (Next update:  2020-09-09)
    2. Source:  AAC 2020-06-12, Item 1.5.1.
      Action-003:  Programme Documents and Priority Group Strategies
      Priority Group representatives
      to discuss whether Priority Group strategies should be represented within programme documents, and if so then what could be the best way to implement this representation.
      (2020-08-12:  Submission TBC)
    3. Source:  AAC 2020-07-08, Item
      Action-004:  Programme Development Process Description
      Jackie Tims to present the full programme development process and the key document templates which support that process.
      (2020-08-12: Submission TBC)
    4. Source:  AAC 2020-07-08, Item 3.4.
      Action-005:  Confirmation of “Face to Face” Delivery
      Simon Tries (Chair, AAC) to confirm anything marked as “Face to Face” with the relevant School and to clarify any confusion they may have had regarding how to indicate their mode/s of delivery.
      (2020-08-12:  Refer to Item 3.1.)

2. Mea Hei Whakaae | Items To Approve

2.1. Applications for Programme Approval and / or Accreditation


2.2. Type 2 Development and Improvement Consolidated Requests

  1. Bachelor of Social Practice – BSP
    PAQC Approval Date: 2020-06-24
    Level:  7
    Credits:  480
    NZQA Programme:  CA2404
  2. Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing – BVN
    PAQC Approval Date: 2020-06-26
    Level:  7
    Credits:  360
    NZQA Programme:  124284-2
  3. Bachelor of Computing Systems – BCS
    PAQC Approval Date: 2020-07-16
    Level:  7
    Credits:  360
    NZQA Programme:  CA2209
    Consolidated with:

    1. Graduate Diploma in Computing – GDCMP
      Level:  7
      Credits:  120
      NZQA Programme:  CA2297
  4. Bachelor of Construction – BCONS
    (Submission TBC)

2.3. Other Approvals

  1. Unitec Programme Delivery Modes
    (Refer to Item 3.1.)
  2. Terms of Reference for Academic Approvals Committee (AAC) and Academic Approvals Committee Standing Committeee (AACSC)
    Memo with:

    1. Terms of Reference for AAC (To receive)
    2. Terms of Reference for AACSC (To approve)

3. Mea Hei Kōrero | Items To Discuss

  1. Programme Modes of Delivery
    (Deferred in from AAC 2020-07-08, Item 3.4.  Related to Action-005.)
    Simon Tries
    Memo with:

    1. Spreadsheet 20200701 (original)
    2. Spreadsheet 20200806 (updated)
  2. NZQA Application Outcomes
    Jackie Tims
    Verbal update

    1. New Zealand Diploma in Veterinary Nursing – NZDVN
      Date received at AAC:  2020-07-07, 0728h
      Level:  6
      Credits:  120
      NZQA Programme:  118437
      NZQA Case:  C43243
    2. New Zealand Certificate in Sport Coaching
      Date received at AAC:  2020-07-08, 1453h
      Level:  5
      Credits:  60
      NZQA Programme:  124006-2
      NZQA Case:  C43308
    3. New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation – NZCSC
      Date received at AAC:  2020-07-09, 1729h
      Level:  3
      Credits:  60
      NZQA Programme:  121182
      NZQA Case:  C43239
    4. Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing – BVN
      Date received at AAC:  2020-07-09, 1706h
      Level:  7
      Credits:  360
      NZQA Programme:  124284
      NZQA Case:  C43288

4. Ngā Tukunga | Items To Receive

  1. Programme Development
    Jackie Tims
    RAG Tracker (Source:  Academic Board 2020-08-05)
  2. Programme Application Report
    Jackie Tims
    Verbal update
  3. Portfolio Rōpū (PIC) Chair Report
    Steve Marshall
    * To be replaced by Standing Committee reports.
  4. Reporting of Type 1 Programme Changes
    Steve Marshall
    Tracker of Type 1 Changes for Semester 2, 2020
  5. New STAR Standards
    Sarah Sommerville
    ACTION: That the Committee note the approval by Chair’s Actions of the addition of new ECE unit standards courses for contracted delivery activity with Schools under STAR (STLP) for 2020.

    1. Copy of Email to AAC
    2. Memo for Approval
      1. Email to Whangarei Girls High School
      2. Email to Green Bay High School
      3. MOU with Green Bay High School
      4. SSTAR Programme New Course Detail Schedule

5. Kupu Whakamutunga | Closing

  1. Ētahi Kaupapa Anō | Any Other Business (AOB)
  2. Committee Self-Assessment
    Topic:  (None)
  3. Karakia Whakamutunga | Closing Karakia
    Ka wehe atu tātou
    I raro i te rangimārie
    Te harikoa
    Me te manawanui
    Haumi ē! Hui ē! Taiki ē!
    We are departing
    And resolute
    We are united, progressing forward!


Target:  2020-07-30
Released:  2020-08-06

2020-08-11  //  Meeting delayed from 2020-08-12 to 2020-08-18  //  dweinholz
2020-08-07  //  Item 2.3.2. Terms of Reference  //  dweinholz