Our new Student President

This year, Helen Vea has taken the reins as our new Student President, after Matalena O’Mara stepped down following her seven-year term in the role .

Helen is of Tongan and Niuean descent and was raised in Auckland –  the third youngest of eight children. She’s the proud mum of a beautiful daughter and two husky dogs.

Helen is studying Social Practice, which she says she chose so she could support the most vulnerable in our communities. She was interested in the Student President role for similar reasons – to support our students and ensure their voices are heard.

“I enjoy the interaction with students and being able to support them. It’s an important part of my role to represent the interests of all student here at Unitec. I was also interested in the role because I wanted to know how Unitec functioned from a staff perspective and how we can collaborate together to improve student experience here at Unitec” says Helen.

Alongside the scheduled USC activities for the year, Helen has plans to reboot the student rep structure, to ensure the student voice is heard from all corners of Unitec. To make this happen, student representatives are needed on each programme in each school. They’ll be registered and trained by USC and supported by staff and USC.

If you see Helen around campus, please welcome her to the role and keep an eye out for information on how staff can support the USC as they roll out the new student rep structure.

Hare Paniora, Pae Arahi (left) with the Unitec Student Council: Tokasi Iupeli – Pacific rep, Nikki Makamba – Waitākere rep, Avantika Karki – International rep, Helen Vea – Student President and Kane Campbell – General rep.

The role of Unitec’s Student Council

The Student Council works with Unitec staff and services, government and media, representing students and their interests. The role of the Student Council is to improve students’ lives and experiences at Unitec by communicating and collaborating with the management and services of Unitec.

Some of the work Helen and the USC have planned this year is:

  • supporting Orientation through campus tours
  • speaking at Graduation ceremonies
  • contributing the student voice on Murray Strong’s advisory committee
  • supporting students to access funding to set up clubs and societies

The Student Council, particularly the Student President, is also a point of contact if a student needs support, or has concerns or ideas about student life at Unitec. The Council meets regularly and members undertake continuous professional development to equip them to be effective advocates.

Find out more on the Unitec website.

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