Orientation week brings 1000 new ākonga on campus

As we see the formal start of Semester 1, 2023 today let’s remember this time last year we were still in Covid lockdown and Orientation Week was being delivered online as we all stayed home. What a difference a year makes! By this Wednesday, we will have welcomed more than a 1,000 new learners to Unitec through the majestic marae and powerful pōwhiri.

We are currently mid-way through Orientations, Welcomes, Pōwhiri, Inductions, Tours and generally getting our new learners underway. For many of our new ākonga, the nerves are high and the uncertainty of new places, spaces and faces is felt. It’s always interesting to watch their shoulders relax and see some deep cleansing breathing in the whare when our formalities in the Pōwhiri are concluded.

All the research in this specific area references “finding a sense of belonging” as a key input of success early. Making connections, new friends, places to relax, spaces to learn and discuss, finding food to enjoy – these are basics we do well… really well. Generally, our style at Unitec is open, helpful and collaborative. We’re people people essentially.

Here’s some great feedback we received last week to confirm how much it means. This reinforces how meaningful the pōwhiri and orientation process is to ākonga and whānau. Well done everyone – together we achieve amazing things!

Thank you so much for the time and your attention to James yesterday. The way you interacted with him meant he leant into a conversation about the way he learns and was keen to do a dyslexia test. This is a watershed moment for him and our family.  I think the level of trust is strongly related to being at a pōwhiri as the first introduction to Unitec and how education and support staff spoke to how they are there for the students. It was an incredible day to be part of”

Annette Pitovao, Director Student Success

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