Open Day 2023 set to highlight skill of Bachelor of Business interns

Rudee Kotcho, Leila Waru and Stevie Tiori

A collaborative content creation campaign will showcase the skill and experience of Unitec-Te Pūkenga Bachelor of Business students at Open Day this Saturday 02 September.

An internship programme championed by the School of Business has provided an opportunity for Bachelor of Business Students, Rudee Kotcho and Leila Waru (Te Rarawa) to co-lead a unique engagement campaign alongside the Marketing and Events team.

With the guidance and support of Product Marketing Business Partner, Stevie Tiori, Events Business Partner, Romy Sunny and Digital Experience Specialist Cher Wang, the Business students will create and broadcast live and pre-recorded video content across Unitec’s social media platforms before and during the event.

Stevie Tiori says the concept of the campaign was developed through a dedicated focus on manaakitanga, mahi kotahitanga and providing a meaningful experience for Unitec -Te Pūkenga interns.

“We know employers are looking for practical experience and qualifications and trusting our learners to take leading roles on key projects that highlight the culture and quality of experience we provide is a responsibility that sits with all of us, not just their lecturers.”

Rudee Kotcho is the proud mother of three children and after successfully navigating study throughout COVID 19 lockdowns she believes support for learners is integral. She says she is looking forward to highlighting the manaakitanga at Unitec that helped her persevere through difficult situations.

“We will be showing perspective students what campus life is like, how it looks at Unitec and especially want to highlight the connections they can make with peers and staff here, we really want to help connect perspective students with the right people who can help them on their journeys.”

Leila Waru says she is looking forward to being a part of such an important event for Unitec-Te Pūkenga and hopes their content will help inspire others to pursue their passion.

“I think it’s great that Unitec is giving students the opportunity to work within the business sector and with the corporate teams. I had no idea they had all this and I think it’s cool they give the students that are studying here the opportunity to work with them behind the scenes.”

Whaikaha Instagram Page created by Rudee Kotcho and Leila Waru

Rudee and Leila have already contributed their expertise to supporting the development of inspirational content highlighting the amazing accomplishments of our supported learning students and staff.

Together they have developed a Whaikaha Instagram Page which provides a meaningful insight into the experience of our learners. You can check out their content at Whaikaha

We are being supported to take a really innovative approach to what we create, we want to showcase the amazing activations on the day and we are working on some time lapses showing the setup of everything behind the scenes.”

The connections established for the students and staff involved in this campaign and internship will extend well beyond Open Day and Rudee and Leila say the support of their whanau at Unitec and most importantly their whanau at home has been central to their success.

“Whanau are so important, they are the people behind you propping you up and because I’m doing my internship, I’ve had to cut down my hours at work and my parents have been there for me and they’ve really helped me.”


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