NZQA Consultation: Simplifying NZ qualifications

NZQA is currently consulting on simplifying New Zealand qualifications and other credentials. Unitec is invited to submit a submission and all staff are invited to have their say. See below opportunities to give feedback, either through a survey or at a hui. Your feedback will contribute to Unitec’s response.

The outcome of this consultation will have far-reaching implications for the way learning, teaching and assessment is framed across Aotearoa New Zealand.

There are three main proposals being consulted on:

Proposal 1: Ensuring that vocational qualifications meet the needs of students and employers
This proposal seeks to ensure that vocational qualifications support learner mobility and consistent skills for employers, whilst retaining flexibility for regional needs.

Proposal 2: Training schemes and micro-credentials
This proposal seeks to simplify the quality assured credentials (non-NZQF qualifications) landscape so that it is easier for learners and employers to navigate.

Proposal 3: Enabling micro-credentials to be developed by WDCs for providers to deliver
This proposal aims to allow WDCs to seek NZQA approval for micro-credentials which providers can then apply to deliver. It seeks to separate the approval of micro-credentials’ content from providers’ accreditation to deliver them. Providers would retain the ability to develop their own micro-credentials too. Full details regarding the consultation is available on the NZQA website. 

Read the documentation:

  1. Background and proposals – detailed information
  2. Information presentation on proposals
  3. Brief two-pager of proposals

How can you get involved?

You can give your feedback by reading through the consultation documentation and:

Mt Albert campus:

Waitākere campus:

The final date for feedback to inform the Unitec response to the consultation is Monday 24 May 2021.

Feedback collected via the survey and the kanohi ki te kanohi hui will be used to inform the final Unitec submission on the proposals.

Staff are also encouraged to have their individual say via the NZQA survey.

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