New initiative: Transitioning from student to professional

Panel session: Deb Crossan – Unitec Career Development Consultant, Tuputau John Belford-Lelaulu – Unitec graduate and Architect/Social Designer, Craig Robertson – School of Applied Business Lecturer and HR Professional, and Yaser Shakib – Engineer, Maven Associates

The Career Development Services team recently added a new programme to their suite of ‘Career Essentials’ they run through the year, the Graduate to Career workshop.

The overall theme for this workshop is ‘transitioning from student to professional’ and focuses on students who are in their final year of completing their studies and preparing to enter the workforce.

On the last day of mid-semester break they ran their second Graduate to Career workshop, which also included a session on interview preparation. The workshop featured guest speakers who generously shared their time and insights on how to grab the attention and make a positive impression with employers, their experiences as a graduate, creating and curating a strong LinkedIn profile and applying

Guest speaker, Justin Durocher, Robotics Process Lead and Continuous Improvement Analyst, Auckland Council

the essential skills and competencies employers want.

They had 28 students attend from a range of disciplines including Applied Business, Computing, Architecture, Social Practice, Early Childhood and Creative Industries. The team received very positive feedback from the students who said the sessions were engaging and very helpful, and that the guest speakers were a real highlight: “Especially the advice from the guest speakers” and “they gave such wonderful tips for career development”.


Di Bluck – Unitec Career Development Consultant, leading a session

The Career Development Services team, Brigette Shutkowski, Deb Crossan, Elizabeth Morris and Di Bluck, would like to thank the following people for the time and invaluable contribution to thier Graduate to Career Workshop:

  • Craig Robertson – School of Applied Business Lecturer and HR Professional
  • Yaser Shakib – Engineer, Maven Associates
  • Tuputau John Belford-Lelaulu – Unitec graduate and Architect/Social Designer
  • Craig McAlpine – Executive Coach
  • Justin Durocher – Robotics Process Lead and Continuous Improvement Analyst, Auckland Council

For more information about this and other career support programmes for students, please contact Brigette Shutkowski – Team Leader.




2 comments on “New initiative: Transitioning from student to professional

  1. Donna Cavell on

    Fantastic job Careers team! Sounds like the day was really informative and worthwhile for those proactive students who took the time to attend and get ahead of the game. I am sure word will spread and next year students won’t want to miss out on this opportunity to get more tools in their employment tool box!

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