Mūmū mo Samoa – Red for Samoa: How you can show your support

We will continue to collect donations online until 5pm, Thursday 19 December.

Falaniko Tominiko, our Director of Pacific Success, will deliver a special lecture on A Brief History of Samoan Tragedy and Resilience next Tuesday as part of special fundraiser for ‘Mūmū mo Samoa’ in support of the Samoan measles outbreak.

Mūmū mo Samoa or Red for Samoa is named in recognition of the red flags that Samoan people are being asked to hang outside their homes to inform medical volunteers that they require measles vaccinations (The Guardian – Samoa measles outbreak: families fly red flags to request vaccinations). Staff and students are encouraged to wear red on Tuesday 17 December and donate to the cause – donation boxes will be at the Pacific Centre, Te Puna ‘Ask Me’ and at the Red Lecture theatre for the event, or you can donate directly to Project Paeds Samoa online – details below.

Non-profit organisation Project Paeds Samoa, which supports paediatric wards in Samoa, will use the funds to support local children and families affected by the Measles outbreak. Niko is a founding member and active supporter of Project Paeds Samoa.

Everyone is welcome to come along to the lecture – friends, family and the public (just turn up – registration is not required).  Lecture details:

  • When:  Tuesday 17 December from 12-1pm
  • Where: Te Puna – Red Lecture Theatre

The lecture will also be live streamed via the Unitec Pacific Centre’s Facebook page.

Donate online

You can make a donation on the day (look for the red boxes) or online as follows (Finance will collect and forward the donations on behalf of Project Paeds Samoa):

  • Bank account: Unitec – 06-0287-0317573-00
  • Particulars: Your name
  • Reference: 4 Samoa

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