Our Māori and Pacific Trades Training tauira celebrate their 2020 journey

MPTT graduating students perform the MPTT haka

The recent Māori and Pacific Trades Training (MPTT) graduation event was a celebration of the journey our tauira/students have travelled, as they complete their year’s study at Unitec.

MPTT Auckland is a group of training and industry organisations working together to help Māori and Pacific people become leaders in the trades. Unitec has been part of the programme for six years.

The end-of-year event, held for the fifth time this year, is held at Te Noho Kotahitanga marae and is a chance for the learners, together with their whānau, and their teachers to come together and reflect on what they’ve achieved. The event usually includes all MPTT students across Auckland, but each training organisation held their own event this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. Even so, a large turnout of over 200 people attended to celebrate, share kai and kōrero.

Each MPTT graduating student received a certificate and an official MPTT polo and carry bag.

Papa Hohepa Renata MC’d the event with aroha and humour

A day of inspiration

Papa Hohepa Renata was MC for the day, and a line-up of speakers provided our tauira with some inspiration for the future:

  • Head of Trades and Services, Lee Baglow, welcomed everyone on behalf of Unitec and congratulated all present for supporting the graduating students.
  • Charles Reichelmann spoke on his journey as a retired rugby player and the associated challenges. He also spoke on the impact of TV programme “Match Fit” on his life choices for health/vocation and emphasised of maintaining strong values and making good decisions.
  • MPTT Electrical graduate Sage Bauckley spoke about the year that wasn’t, with the impact of COVID-19 on study but shared how she drew strength and encouragement from others, including the MPTT support team, lecturers, family and friends who helped get her through. She said “If we can succeed through the year of COVID, then we can do anything!”
  • The closing speech was delivered by MPTT Mana Whakahaere – Tu Williams, who reflected on how the success of one is supported by many in the journey.

    Retired rugby player Charles Reichelman shared his story of challenges

To complete the formalities and add a bit of fun into the proceedings, Falaniko Tominiko aka ‘Niko Nitro’ ran an ‘MPTT Quiz Competition’.

As with previous events, the graduating students performed the MPTT haka in acknowledgement of everyone who supported them, before the shared kai in the wharekai.

Unitec MPTT Student Experience Partner, Tu Nuualiitia, said the event is always a great way to end the year.

“The MPTT programme is all about supporting our tauira to become leaders, and to succeed in the trades industry. With the demand growing for skilled tradespeople, particularly in Auckland, we’re proud to be part of the solution. This event is a celebration of the progress the learners have made over the year,” said Tu.

Find out more about the MPTT programme on their website.

Scroll for more photos…

MPTT Electrical graduate Sage Bauckley spoke about the impact of COVID-19 on study

A fantastic turnout of over 200 people attended Unitec MPTT graduation event

‘Niko Nitro’ conducting the quiz

Lee Baglow shared his pride in our graduating MPTT students

The MPTT haka

A graduating student with supporters

A graduating MPTT student

A graduating MPTT student

A graduating MPTT student with his whānau and supporters




3 comments on “Our Māori and Pacific Trades Training tauira celebrate their 2020 journey

  1. Tu Nuualiitia on

    Thank you Unitec for supporting this initiative to support social transformation through the vehicle of Trades & Services. “If you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together” – Mahi Kotahitanga

  2. Cheryl Talamaivao on

    An absolutely inspiring article to read and know that the graduation was well attended supported and enjoyed.

    Malo lava Tu and Team

    Manuia ma le fa’afetai

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