Message from Stephen Town – CE of Te Pūkenga re Alert Level 3

Please see below message from the Chief Executive of Te Pūkenga, Stephen Town

Kia ora koutou

This week we were all asked to respond to a change in Alert Levels as a result of community cases with COVID-19. This is the second time Aotearoa has shifted Alert Levels in just a few weeks and I want to acknowledge the challenges this brings for everyone, at a work and personal level.

I want to acknowledge the quick work that has happened in response to these changes to ensure our people – staff and learners – are able to remain safe and well. This is a priority that I know we all share. There are added demands in the Auckland area where the tighter restrictions for Alert Level 3 now apply and additional interest in the sector given MIT was named as a location of interest over the weekend.

The current COVID disruptions comes at a time where most of you are beginning the academic year. As part of this we are all welcoming new learners and there are a number of orientation and induction activities which are being disrupted, which I know will be disappointing for many.

Communications and public updates began to be released by many of you over the weekend. I’m mindful of the significant amount of work which will continue to take place as local decisions are made and implemented for each of you across the coming days.

Situations like this are certainly challenging and they require us all to work together, support each other and to be prepared to make adjustments at pace. My sincere thanks again for all of the work each of you is doing as we respond to the demands of COVID-19.

Stephen Town – Te Pūkenga Chief Executive

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