Thanks to everyone for participating… don’t forget it is still ‘Mahuru Māori‘ – celebrating te reo Māori for all of September – learn more about what we’re doing at Unitec to celebrate!
Kua tīmata te Wiki o te Reo Māori, inā rā me ū tātou katoa ki te whakamana i tō tātou reo rangatira rā noa, pō noa.
Kua whakaritea e Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori he rauemi tautoko mo te hunga e ngākaunui ana ki te kaupapa. Whāia tēnei hononga mo ngā rauemi
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Kia kaha te reo!
As a starting point we want to acknowledge the people who fought tirelessly for the revitalisation of the language at a time when very few saw the true value of this taonga.
Te wiki o te reo Māori began as Māori language day in 1972 and was eventually expanded to a week in 1975 thanks to their efforts.
How to get involved

A display of te reo Māori pukapuka in Te Puna
There are events, resources and expert te reo speakers available to help you in your journey this week. Get involved and show your support for te reo Māori.
- Wednesday, 10 – 10.30am, Long Black, Mt Albert: Kōrero drop-in session: Te Reo tutor Chance Taylor invites everyone to come along and converse or learn new kupu (words). An informal opportunity to chat at the long black cafe.
- Our Kaihautu and Anaru Pārangi have created and are promoting a number of fun activities and resources to help support anyone wanting to improve their knowledge of te reo Māori. Check the Nest and Yammer for Anaru’s updates
- Thursday, 12 – 12.30pm, Ngākau Māhaki (the wharenui): Waiata Mai with Kimoro: Learn waiata and the stories behind them.
- Our library team has set up a display of pukapuka Māori (books) in Te Puna
- Whiria Te Reo Wānanga kicked off today and will be held for the rest of the month at Puukenga between 11am and 1pm.
- The Māori Language Commission has made a number of resources readily available for those keen to take up the wero (challenge).
Kia kaha tātou katoa ki te whakamana i te reo, ahakoa ko tēhea te rā.
We encourage everyone to embrace te reo Māori.