Watch! Our Te Tumu Glenn Mckay talks about Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, why it’s important and what’s on
Kia Kaha te Reo Māori – let’s make the Māori language strong!
Haere mai!
We’re celebrating te Reo Māori – join in, discover and strengthen your vocabulary, and be in to win… kawhe and pihikete, coffees and cookies, prezzy vouchers, plus the opportunity to be part of our mass waiata which acknowledges the three official languages of Aotearoa; Māori, English and sign language – come along to our waiata practice sessions this week!
Everyone is welcome, staff and students.
Make it a team event and support each other in strengthening your te Reo Māori.
Lets make our mass waiata the biggest ever – we’ll be capturing the event using our drone so you’ll be on camera too!
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori – What’s on when?
Monday 9 September
8.30am: Mass Karakia
Start Te Wiki o te Reo Māori by making a commitment as a team, or to yourself, to build on your te Reo Māori vocabulary during Māori Language Week. Join our mass karakia to get your journey underway.
> Mt Albert – Te Puna (space by the AskMe desk). All staff and students welcome – Led by Hōhepa Renata, Glenn Mckay, Merran Davis and Jess Aranui
> Waitākere – Student Commons (ground floor)
Tuesday 10 September
12.00-12.30pm: Whakataetae Kupu Hononga – Match the Māori – English words and be in to win!
> Waitākere – Student Commons (ground floor)
12.00-12.15pm: Māori national anthem and sign language practice session – more info» or you can practice signing the Māori national anthem in your team space, at your desk or at home, using this video of the Māori, English and sign language national anthem (a ‘flipped’ version so you can get your signing on the correct side!)
> Mt Albert – Te Puna (in the space near the old Uniform cafe)
Wednesday 11 September
12.00-12.30pm: Whakataetae Kupu Hononga – Match the Māori – English words and be in to win!
> Te Puna (space by the AskMe desk)
12.00-1.00pm: Pātai mai mo te inu me te kai – Ask for a drink and biscuit in te Reo Māori and get it at a super discounted price! Look for the posters and and also staff to help with learning your te Reo Māori.
> Mt Albert – Te Puna. Go to Long Black for your inu and Subway for your pihikete
Thursday 12 September
12.00-1.00pm: Tuku kōrero hītori o te wānanga o Wairaka – Matua Hare Paniora talks about the history of Unitec and our land, followed by afternoon tea
> Mt Albert – Puukenga atrium
12.00-12.15pm: Māori national anthem and sign language practice session – more info» or you can practice signing the Māori national anthem in your team space, at your desk or at home, using this video of the Māori, English and sign language national anthem (a ‘flipped’ version so you can get your signing on the correct side!)
> Puukenga – B171
Friday 13 September
12.00-1.00pm: Mass waiata – Come along, get some fresh air in your lungs and sing the national anthem with Unitec on mass, staff and students, in Māori, English and sign language, followed by afternoon tea (please wear a brightly coloured top to reflect our vibrant approach to te Reo Māori on mass and in our pics and video!)
> Mt Albert – Te Noho Kotahitanga marae atea and the Whare Manaaki for afternoon tea
Go to the Nest calendar for the event listings.
HI. Where will the mass waiata on Friday be held?
Ooops we missed that – post updated now to include mass karakia venue at Mt Albert – Te Noho Kotahitanga marae atea and the Whare Manaaki for afternoon tea