Hui Tahi ma ngā Kaimahi Māori

On Wednesday 25 May our Pou Hautu will be hosting an online hui for all kaimahi Māori across Unitec and MIT between 3:30 – 4:30.

The purpose is to bring our kaimahi across both institutes closer together in a forum dedicated to discussing and listening to issues of importance to our people.

The hui will provide an opportunity to share updates, seek feedback and provide opportunities focused on supporting our mahi and our ability to manaaki our tauira.

The aim will be to maintain an informal atmosphere and avoid the prescribed alignment to a specific kaupapa or agenda, the core purpose is to come together and engage in collective conversation and collaboration.

The hui will continue online as we work towards organising hui ā kanohi on our marae to solidify our connection when possible.

As with all kaupapa Māori the āhua of the hui will remain fluid and evolve over time as the relationship strengthens and the journey ahead becomes clearer.

To launch our initial hui, I have asked our kaumatua Matua Hare Paniora and Matua Vince Hapi to open with a karakia and mihi.

An overview of the hui structure and key details if you would like to join are outlined below.

Hui Tahi me te Pou Hautu  

Te Rā: Raapa 25 Haratua

Te Wā: 3:30- 4:30

Te Ara Hononga: Hui Tahi Zoom Link

Te Rārangi Whakahāere 

3:30 – Karakia Timatanga – Matua Hare Paniora, Matua Vince Hapi

3:35 – Pou Hautu Overview and Updates

3:45 – Open Floor

4:30 – Karakia Whakamutunga – Matua Hare Paniora, Matua Vince Hapi

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact (EA Contact?) or


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