Highlights from Te Wiki o te Reo Māori – Māori Language Week!

Both campuses were buzzing with activity and energy last week, as staff and students took part in events to celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, with the theme: Kia Kaha te Reo Māori (let’s make the Māori language strong)!

A big thanks to those who pulled the events together, to give staff and students a wonderful taste of te reo Māori, and encourage everyone to incorporate it into their every day conversations.

Events included learning to ask for food and drinks, weaving Harakeke, a kapa haka performance, Māori games and learning about Te Waiunuroa o Wairaka (the natural spring named after Wairaka).



Above: Glenn McKay, Tumu Tauwhirowhiro Maori; Exec Director, Student Experience opened Te Wiki o te Reo Māori at our Waitākere campus with a karakia


Right: The team running the ‘how to ask for food and drink in te reo Māori’ event at Waitakere




Left: Students learning how to ask for food and drink in Māori, at Te Puna











Right: Hare Paniora – Pae Arahi thanks students from Taiohi Taataki kapa haka group at Massey High School for their performance








Left: Taiohi Taataki kapa haka performance by students from Massey High School







Right: Matua Haari Williams discusses this year’s theme for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori – Kia Kaha te Reo Māori








Left and below: The Manaaki Whenua Manaaki Tāngata event, where the group, including Glenn McKay, our Tumu Tauwhirowhiro Maori & Exec Director, Student Experience learnt about Te Waiunuroa o Wairaka (the natural spring named after Wairaka), the rongoā Māori (medicinal plants including harakeke) and life systems which the healing waters of Wairaka sustain. They helped to take care of our wāhi tapu, our sacred spaces here on Mt Albert campus, by clearing grass and weeds from around the stream






3 comments on “Highlights from Te Wiki o te Reo Māori – Māori Language Week!

  1. Eliza Wallace on

    Kia ora koutou, congratulations to Whaea Jess, the Unitec whānau and tauira for an awesome Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori at Waitakere. Kia kaha Te Reo Māori.
    Mauri ora

  2. Paula Bold-Wilson on

    He pai rawa atu i te wiki o te Reo Maori. It was an amazing week, and I want to thank staff who were involved in this kaupapa. Waitakere was humming, and it was great to see our Bachelor of Social Practice students commitment to the revitalisation of Te Reo Maori.

    Next year, it would be great if Unitec could show leadership and make it a whole month.

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