Have you registered for the Unitec Research Symposium?

It’s not too late to register for the Unitec Research Symposium!

Happening on Thursday 11 October in B023, Mt Albert campus, the Symposium is hosted by Tūāpapa Rangahau – Partnering Research & Enterprise, and will showcase student and staff research across the whole of Unitec. It’s a future-focused event intent on inspiring, challenging, informing and entertaining.

The programme has been finalised and it’s shaping up to be a fantastic day.

The majority of the research that our staff pursue is partnered with high profile funding bodies and organisations, research that is real-world applicable and actively addresses some of Aotearoa’s pressing social, environmental and technological issues. This is a unique chance to engage with fellow researchers, learn more about what other disciplines are researching and celebrate the innovative prowess of Unitec. We’d love for you to join us – register now!

For more information, take a look at the programme or visit the Research Symposium web page.

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