Good mahi and learning moments in the Sanctuary

Sanctuary Mahi Whenua is a lush community garden and food forest, alongside Unitec’s Mt Albert campus. Home to more than 400 species of plants and trees, the garden is a beautiful space to explore. It is a valuable teaching space where rare plants are grown, traditional Maori cultivation methods are practiced.

Over the years, hundreds of Unitec staff, students and community members have learnt about growing food. A recent person to have enjoyed time at the garden is Supported Learning student Denham Speers.

Denham is enrolled in Unitec’s New Zealand Certificate for Skills in Living and Working programme. During a six-week work placement, Denham works for several hours a week with the guidance of garden treasurer and coordinator Trevor Crosby.

Denham has gained confidence and learnt practical skills, including travelling independently and bringing gear using a visual checklist created by his lecturer Utkarsh Sanjanwala. Denham especially enjoys shovelling wheelbarrow loads of mulch onto the garden’s paths. “I can use my muscles” he says proudly. “I can do a gardening job. See what I have done.”

Trevor says, “It is great to see the increased confidence and independence that Denham now demonstrates in mulching paths. Not only is the Sanctuary helped by Denham efforts – Denham’s education is helped by the Sanctuary environment.”


This Supported Learning placement was facilitated by the Unitec Sustainability Team.



2 comments on “Good mahi and learning moments in the Sanctuary

  1. Sarah Heeringa on

    Thanks for the feedback Amy! I agree it’s an amazing space to have on our doorstep. Denham has done a great job of improving the paths for some winter wandering.

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