Friday services: A show of love and solidarity

Tokasi Iupeli, Abdul Rahim Admara and Glenn Mckay light the remembrance candle

On Friday, staff and students gathered at our Waitākere and Mt Albert campuses at a special service to show our support for the victims of the Christchurch tragedy, their families, and the Muslim community. It was an opportunity for everyone to unite together as whānau in a show of love and solidarity.

There was a big turnout at the Mt Albert service outside Te Noho Kotahitanga marae. The service was opened with a karakia led by Hohepa Renata (Taurahere Marae Lecturer), and an address from our Chief Executive, Merran Davis. Munawwar Naqvi (Technology Coordinator – School of Applied Business), shared with us a Muslim prayer, and the service ended with a tribute from student Walaa Alhussain, and the planting of an olive tree as a memorial to the lives lost.

At the Mt Albert ceremony (from left): Ricky Waters (Chaplaincy and Multifaith team), Munawwar Naqvi, Hohepa Renata and Babar Mahmood (Engineering)

In the Student Commons space at our Waitākere campus, Blair Sorensen (UPC) opened with a karakia, followed by Te Tumu and Executive Director – Student Success Glenn Mckay, who spoke on behalf of our Executive Leadership team. The group also heard from Norasieh Md Amin (Library Knowledge Specialist) and Abdul Rahim Admara, who gave the Muslim prayer.


Walaa Alhussain spoke on behalf of Mt Albert students



Tokasi Iupeli from our Student Council spoke on behalf of our students and candles were lit in remembrance of the victims of this tragedy.

After the services, many people talked about how moving the experience was and the sense of pride from coming together with colleagues – staff and students – to recognise those lost in the tragedy.


Above and below: Staff and students gathered to take a turn with placing soil around the commemorative olive tree


Norasieh Md Ami






3 comments on “Friday services: A show of love and solidarity

  1. Munawwar Naqvi on

    Much appreciate what Unitec has been doing in this respect for staff and students.
    Aroha nui.

  2. Babar Mahmood on

    We, as a community, are very much humbled the way the government & people of New Zealand have showed their respect, aroha and support to Kiwi-Muslims. We are grateful to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and all staff at Unitec for their support, aroha, and lots of hugs & kind messages during this difficult time.
    God bless our loving, caring and peaceful home (i.e. New Zealand). Nga mihi nui

  3. Asma Munir on

    It was a very touching, I loved Munawwar’s speech. We are so blessed to have an amazing Whanau here in Unitec.

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