Fono in the Fale series: Pacific cultural intelligence

This is the second in the ‘Fono in the Fale’ series, discussing the topic: Pacific cultural intelligence

Fono in the Fale is a Pacific Centre initiative drawing on Pacific resources and people around Aotearoa to talanoa about Pacific Issues in the region as well as here in Aotearoa. These sessions are ideal for any staff or student of Unitec but it is particularly useful for teaching staff working with Pacific students and who want to expand their understanding of Pacific peoples and Pacific Epistemologies.

  • When: Thursday 17 June, 1.00pm – 2.00pm
  • Where: B180-B001 Red Lecture Theatre. Also livestreamed – link to be sent to registered attendees prior to the event
  • Please register to assist with event set-up

Register now, for the in-person or livestream event!

Topic: Pacific Cultural Intelligence

Speaker: Ms. Aiono Manu Fa’aea

What does it mean to be culturally competent, culturally safe, and to have cultural humility?

Pasifika Cultural Intelligence is based on the integration of Helu-Thaman’s kakala framework and Van Dyne, Ang & Koh’s Cultural Intelligence (CQ)framework.

Join this seminar to consider how we can encourage others and ourselves to elevate our cultural intelligence for our Pasifika learners.

Ms. Aiono Manu Fa’aea

Aiono Manu Fa’aea is a practising ethnomusicologist and educator. “Aiono” is a chief title bestowed on her by her father’s family from the village of Fasito’o-uta in Upolu, Samoa.

Her teaching experience has been in secondary schools in Auckland with Music, Social Studies and English from 2002-2012.  Prior to secondary school teaching, she tutored and lectured in Ethnomusicology, Anthropology Department at the University of Auckland. She has put this experience to good use, by giving advice on the NZ feature film “The Legend of Baron To’a” as an ethnomusicologist.

In March 2013, Aiono Manu was a judge for the Samoan Stage at ASB Polyfest and has also written assessment tasks for Samoan performances that can be used for NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3 Dance and Music.  She has also collaborated with other Pasifika educators and performing artists to create Tongan, Cook Islands and Niuean assessment tasks for NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3 Dance.

Aiono Manu is interested in interacting with educators and supporting them in their work in raising student achievement, by realising student potential. In 2019, she was part of the Ministry of Education Gifted Advisory Panel giving advice re: resource packages. In 2020, she was appointed as a member on the Pathways NCEA panel as part of the NCEA review.  In 2021 she has been appointed to the Inclusive and Diversity working group for the refresh of the New Zealand Curriculum.

Aiono has published a couple of research articles and has a Graduate Diploma in TESSOL and Masters and is the Senior Pasifika Manager at MIT.

For enquiries on Fono in the Fale, please contact Pacific Success Navigator Lupeti Fihaki:




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