EER update: Preparation and support + what you can do now…


In four weeks the EER evaluators will be on site (both Mt Albert and Waitakere). As there is now a greater demand for their services across the sector, they have reduced their usual two-week programme to just one concentrated week onsite and one week offsite.

The EER project team has already been responding to a range of requests for info and data from the evaluators. Many of these have been covered by our Business Intelligence team who have been able to produce this data quickly. The Academic Dashboard is a great resource if you looking for academic performance data.

Latest progress

  • Preparation and support sessions: Time slots have been set aside for staff info sessions, workshops and mock panel sessions. These are aimed at all staff as anyone at any time could be asked a question or for feedback by an evaluator. Invitations to these events are being sent out now and over the next two weeks
  • Documents and the relevant evidence are being collated, including an overview of the focus areas. Templates have been developed to ensure we are providing a consistent and comprehensive approach to all our written communication with the evaluators

What you can do and next steps

  • Make sure you come along to any meetings, catch-up’s or info sessions you have been invited to. These are to make sure you know what to expect from the EER. You’ll get support if you have any concerns or need advice, and pointers on what to think about if you are asked to participate
  • For academic staff not in any of the focus areas (refer to your manager if you don’t know what the focus areas are), you are still part of the outcome and need to be prepared for any unplanned requests the reviewers may make. This could impact anyone anytime, so make sure you attend any preparation or support session you are invited to
  • The EER project team may also be calling for your help with supporting our peers in the focus areas and will be running a group session to cover this later in October
  • If you do have a question, speak with your manager or head along to the final lunchtime chat sessions with the ELT at Mt Albert campus to ask questions, or you can submit a question to the

What should we be focusing on now?

  • SEAtS – It’s really important that attendance records for all timetabled classes in the current semester are up-to-date and accurate. Merran has set 26 October 2018 as the deadline for this to be brought up-to-date. Our commitment to SEAtS is for the long term so it’s really important we use it correctly and don’t compromise compliance requirements and our international students’ visas
  • Student complaints – When a student believes there is a good reason to make a complaint and we haven’t been able to resolve it informally, make sure they know that there is a formal process for their complaint. You can find out more on this on the Nest by searching ‘complaints process’ or go to the Nest > Student Support tab > Complaints Process

All questions and suggestions are welcome, so please send a message to our EER project team inbox –


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