Did you miss the Learning and Teaching Symposium? Watch the sessions here! 

The theme of Unitec’s 2022 Learning and Teaching Symposium in February was ‘change in assessment’ – how thinking about assessment has been changing, how teaching and assessment has had to change in response to Covid and what this means for ongoing change in our programmes and courses.

Our focus for change is to create assessment that’s learning-oriented and student-centred.

The symposium addressed all assessment components in advocating for:

  • tasks that align with course learning outcomes and learning and teaching activities so we evaluate the knowledge and skills we want to evaluate
  • tasks that are authentic and inclusive to encourage student engagement and motivation
  • giving students the opportunity to use marking criteria so they learn to judge their own work as they are doing it
  • feedback processes that are meaningful to students and encourage improvement
  • assuring the quality of all this in our assessment through robust pre-moderation

If you missed the symposium or would like to hear/rehear any of the sessions, they are available at these links

If you are thinking about making changes to your assessment, talk to your Te Puna Ako liaison about where to start.


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