Dawn ceremony commemorates transition to Te Pūkenga

A dawn ceremony held at Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae led by Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei celebrated Unitec’s transition to Te Pūkenga.

A karakia held on the māhau (courtyard) of the marae, just before sunrise began proceedings, which then moved inside the whare nui Ngākau Māhaki where tears, laughter and memories were shared.

More than 100 kaimahi (staff) participated in the event alongside a large contingent of mana whenua and Te Pūkenga representatives.

Pae Ārahi, Matua Hare Paniora worked alongside our dedicated Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae team and mana whenua to guide a tikanga Māori based approach to commemorating  the official transition to Te Pūkenga.

Matua Hohepa Renata spoke on behalf of Unitec at the ceremony and his heart warming kōrero acknowledged the past and looked ahead to the future.

While he expressed excitement at becoming part of the whānau at Te Pūkenga he proudly explained that Te Noho Kotahitanga would always be the foundation that guided the whānau of Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka (Unitec).

Tā Te Ahikaiata (John)Turei and Takutai Wikiriwhi were among those acknowledged at the ceremony and former Pae Ārahi Haare Williams (Ngāi Tūhoe) who worked alongside both these rangatira (leaders) in the establishment of Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae attended the ceremony.

Te Pūkenga representatives gifted a tāonga, a toki (adze) to mana whenua signifying the beginning of a new partnership.

Matua Haare Williams closed proceedings by emphasising the importance of upholding and honouring authentic Treaty Partnership on the journey forward. He demonstrated the significance through linking the journey ahead to an ancient waiata composed in 1884 by Tūhoe prophet Te Kooti  Arikirangi Te Tūruki.

Kaore te pō nei mōrikarika noa’

The waiata was composed by Te Kooti to warn and remind his people of three key kaupapa (subjects) they would need to continue fighting to uphold. Matua Haare connected those subjects to the journey ahead under the banner of Te Pūkenga, strongly emphasising the importance of upholding an honourable and authentic approach.

Ko te mana tuatahi ko Te Tiriti o Waitangi  – The first mana is Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Ko te mana tuarua ko te Kooti Whenua – The second mana is the Land Court

Ko te mana tuatoru ko te Mana Motuhake – The third mana sovereignty


One comment on “Dawn ceremony commemorates transition to Te Pūkenga

  1. Darlene Cameron on

    Ka nui te mihi maioha ki te whānau whānui o Te Whare Wananga o Wairaka.
    Te Noho Kotahitanga Principles flowing beautifully through Ngakau Mahaki this morning.

    Ko Wairaka tēnei
    Homai tō ringa
    Ma te aroha, ka ora e…….

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