‘Don’t Worry About the Robots’ is in stores now.
David Glover, our interim CFO, has co-authored a book with Dr Jo Cribb, discussing how to survive and thrive in the new world of work. Don’t worry about the Robots is a practical guide to protecting ourselves in the changing world of automation and digitisation.
In his interview with NBR, David talked about how fast things are changing, and what we could expect in the next five or ten years.
“Suddenly, the charts on job loss and technology are all moving at steep angles. However, just because things could play out in a certain way doesn’t mean they will. The fastest change in society is not around the technology being available but society adopting that technology” he said.
David also talks about the need to look out for ourselves, rather than solely relying on corporations or the public education sector to prepare us for the future.
“People can’t ignore the fact that they have to take personal responsibility for their own future”.
David and Jo also spoke with Wendyl Nissen on RadioLive this week.
“It’s a call to New Zealanders…in our short lifetime we’ve seen huge changes” said Jo.
In that interview, David advised that instead of asking children today what they want to be when they grow up, we should ask them to think about skillsets that they can apply to many job – the skills that you can take forward, rather than “I’m going to be one specific thing.”
This also applies to adults, when looking to where your career will take you and what skills you’ll need to get there.