Creative Industries welcomes ākonga and kaimahi into their new home in B108

Head of School Vanessa Byrnes speaking at the opening of B108 for Creative Industries last week

The School of Creative Industries welcomed back ākonga and kaimahi for Semester Two in their brand new building. On Monday morning, the green light was given to move into B108 to the delight of our new and returning ākonga who arrived excited to start the semester in their new home.

Operational Lead for Unitec & MIT, Professor Martin Carroll said: “This new facility will reinforce the vitality of Unitec Te-Pūkenga as the provider of excellent training for the burgeoning and critical creative industries. That we are able to open this week is a testimony to the patience and hard mahi of the School – thank you!”

The building was blessed last Friday by Unitec-Te Pūkenga’s marae and MAIA team which was attended by Te Pūkenga Region 1 Executive Director Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga, Unitec-Te Pūkenga leadership team members and kaimahi.

The significance of this occasion was captured by Head of School, Associate Professor, Vanessa Byrnes: “We had a wonderful karakia/blessing to open the building. At this, Papa Ho (Hohepa Renata) talked about the esoteric knowledge of our ancestors coming to life in B108. I couldn’t agree more. This new home gives us the chance to be mindful of the many people who’ve come before us.” She added: “It is a home for all our learners and people in the School. We’re thrilled that they can enjoy this beautiful new space – a blank canvas for talent to thrive. Thank you to everyone who’s gone above and beyond to make this building come together.”

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