The Student Council, Student Success and Finance teams are working together to create a new student-centred space where the Copy Centre is currently located at Waitākere.
Staff and students have been using a number of other printing and copying options* over the past four weeks while the Waitākere Copy Centre has been closed, and this appears to have gone smoothly.
Given that usage numbers averaged around 5.5 students per day when the Copy Centre was open, a team has been looking at options for the space that will provide more benefits for our students. The Student Council would like to create a place where groups can gather informally, book out space for group project work or simply hang out and make a cup of tea, just as they do in Building 111 at Mt Albert.
Student president Matalena O’Mara said that Waitākere doesn’t currently offer these opportunities and the students would definitely benefit from a space that’s “by students, for students”. The Copy Centre would provide a suitable location and the Student Council is keen to manage the space.
That means the Copy Centre won’t reopen in August and the Supervisor will transfer to the Mt Albert campus when she returns from leave. A small amount of work will be needed to convert the space so it’s likely to be handed over to the Student Council within the next two weeks.
*Other printing/copying options
The Ask Me Desk, in the level 3 library space will help students with ID Card top ups, provide MFD support and self-binding services. Students can also use the printers (MFDs) in the Library for printing and copying, or send jobs to the Mt Albert Copy Centre via email. There are three other print centres nearby: Warehouse Stationery, Henderson Print Shop and Waitākere Central Library.
Staff can upload files to the web to print portal for printing, and have these delivered back to Student Central at the Waitākere Campus. Staff can also use the MFDs in their departments for small print and copy jobs.