Consultation is now open for Unitec’s Covid-19 Policy
In December 2021, we engaged with you on our Covid-19 Health and Safety risk assessments and the way forward under the Covid Protection Framework (CPF) traffic light system. Based on the outcome of those consultation processes and in response to the Government’s public health response to Covid-19, Unitec has now developed a Covid-19 Policy.
Unitec staff are invited to read our proposed policy. If you would like to provide feedback, we would welcome this by 4pm on 11 February. Unitec is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of everyone who visits our campuses as we take measures to minimise the risk of Covid-19. As part of this commitment, and aligned to Te Noho Kotahitanga, this policy will provide clarity and clear guidelines for all staff, students and visitors to our Mt Albert and Waitākere Unitec campuses.
Why have we developed a Covid-19 Policy?
This policy will establish and communicate Unitec’s position on the Covid-19 Protection Framework (CPF) and vaccination requirements. It also outlines other measures Unitec will use to ensure the ongoing safety and wellness of anyone coming onto Unitec campuses during the pandemic.
The policy was developed with the help of staff feedback following our previous consultations, which helped us to decide on our initial approach to vaccination requirements on campus. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to this important mahi.
The Covid-19 policy covers:
- Covid-19 vaccination requirements
- Covid-19 face covering/mask requirements
- Other Covid-19 policy requirements and settings
- Failure to abide by a policy setting or relevant legislation while on campus
- Privacy and information gathering
- Unitec Flexible Working Guidelines
- Exceptions and exemptions to this policy
This policy will apply to:
- Kaimahi (including permanent, fixed term and casual), contractors, volunteer workers and people gaining work experience
- Ākonga of Unitec (currently enrolled, recently graduated and prospective)
- Manuhiri to work/study/visit places managed by Unitec
Consultation timeline:
- 26 January 2022: Covid-19 Policy consultation opens
- 11 February 2022: Consultation will close at 4pm
All your feedback will be carefully considered, following which we will confirm as soon as we can, if this policy can be adopted in its current form or whether any further amendments need to be made. We also want to mention that as and when we learn new information, such as new directions from the Government, further reviews may be necessary in the future.
As with Unitec’s previous consultations in relation to Covid-19, our decisions and these engagement opportunities ensure we will be complying with Covid-19 response legislation, including the Covid-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order (No 6) and the Covid-19 Response (Vaccinations) Legislation Act 2021.
Please send your feedback by 4pm, 11 February, using this form. More information can be found in the ‘helpful links’ at the end of this email.
Helpful links and information:
- Unitec Health and Safety Risk Assessment
- Unitec Pandemic Management Procedure
- Flexible Working Guidelines
- Children on Campus Procedure
- COVID-19 Protection Framework
- Unitec Student Regulations
- Code of Practice for Pastoral Care of all students 2021
- Privacy Act 2020
- Education and Training Act 2020
- COVID-19 Public Health Response (Protection Framework) Order 2021
- COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Amendment Order (No 6) 2021
- Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
- Human Rights Act 1993
- New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990
- Employment Relations Act 2000
- Public Service Act 2020