Coronavirus: Update 2 March 2020

With the first confirmed case of coronavirus in New Zealand, we wanted to remind you of the precautionary approach we’re continuing to take at Unitec to safeguard our staff, students and visitors. 

Our Incident Management Team is meeting daily to review and analyse the situation and we are continuing to follow the advice of the Ministry of Health and World Health Organization.  We would urge you to do the same in your daily lives, and to adhere to their messaging to ensure consistency and calm.  We would urge you to check The Nest daily for any further updates.

The Ministry of Health is continuing to urge everyone to follow their public health messaging, such as hand hygiene and cough etiquette. We have distributed posters and stickers around both our campuses, outlining these recommendations and prepared presentations for our lecturers to show at the start of classes.  We have made hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial wipes available wherever possible, bearing in mind there is a global shortage of anti-bacterial products at the moment.

We continue to encourage anyone who feels unwell to stay at home.  If you, or someone you know, is concerned about symptoms of fever, cough or shortness of breath, please first call Healthline on its dedicated COVID-19 number 0800 358 5453 (or +64 9 358 5453 for international SIMS), or contact your GP, including phoning ahead of your visit.  This includes people who have visited Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Singapore and Thailand and are experiencing these symptoms.

You can also consult Te Puna Waiora for medical assistance and advice.

We can also offer further assistance via the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) for advice on personal wellbeing and financial issues.  Info on the confidential and free EAP service is available here on the Nest.

The New Zealand Government has extended its border controls for travellers coming into New Zealand from mainland China or Iran to Tuesday, 10 March 2020. It is also requesting people who have arrived today or transited through mainland China or Iran, or have been in close contact with someone confirmed with COVID-19, to self-isolate for 14 days from the date of departure or close contact.  They are also requesting that those affected register their details with Healthline if they haven’t done so already (call 0800 358 5453 or +64 9 358 5453 for international SIM).

We have made contact with all students impacted by self-isolation to ensure they are not disadvantaged by their inability to start classes on time, and are working closely with the Te Puna Ako team to deliver assistance and support with remote learning initiatives and activities.

We have introduced temporary adjustments to our pōwhiri process in light of the coronavirus situation, and have a number of plans in place in order to respond to the appropriate levels of risk.

The participation in hongi and harirū (handshake) remains voluntary at any given time, and our marae team will continue to make this very clear to staff, students and all our visitors to Te Noho Kotahitanga.

As stated previously, should the risks of coronavirus be increased, we will respond accordingly and make further changes as necessary.

If any of your students have concerns or questions over and above the information provided on official websites, please refer them to

Previous updates and info published on the Nest:


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