IT programme’s Whānau Day celebrates student success

The teachers, students and whānau of the Certificate in Information Technology programme.


A recently-formed tradition for the students in the Certificate in Information Technology programme brought whānau from across Auckland to find out more about this Level 4 course.

Lecturer Maryam Erfanian, Academic Programme Manager Dila Beisembayeva, and Lecturer and Academic Leader Gerard Lovell.

Lecturer Maryam Erfanian said the Whānau Day provides an opportunity to celebrate students’ success, meet their families and showcase the projects everyone’s been working hard on over the semester.


As part of the programme, students develop a web project using a variety of systems such as HTML, JavaScript and CSS and that is based on the needs of customers.

This semester, students’ projects included gym, online shopping, and gaming websites. One was for an actual customer – Falmouth Airpark, a private airport in the USA.

Maryam said as well as showcasing their work, the Whānau Day also gave students and whānau a chance to talk about graduation and further studies at Unitec.

Students showcasing their projects.

“Most of my students are going to continue their studies here by applying for the Bachelor of Computing Studies programme.” she said.


“Students also had an opportunity to meet my colleagues who teach in the fields of cyber security, app/mobile development, and networking and were really excited about the future ahead of them.We would like to take this opportunity to thank our Unitec whānau for finding time in their busy schedule” said Maryam.

4 comments on “IT programme’s Whānau Day celebrates student success

  1. Dila Beisembayeva on

    Well done Maryam and the team! Thank you for doing your best to ensure our students succeed 🙂

  2. Annette Pitovao on

    Awesome team! Love that students got to promo their projects for their families.

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