Come and Join Mū Talanoa (Chess & Chat) – date change

UPDATE: The first Mū Talanoa (Chess & Chat) date has been changed to Wednesday 31 March

Did you binge watch the Queen’s Gambit and wonder what this chess business was all about? Or miss chatting to people while stuck at home? Well, wonder and miss no more! Come and join other Unitec staff for  Mū Talanoa – Chess and Chat, where you can learn to play the game or sharpen your skills playing against your co-workers.

Falaniko Tominiko, Director of the Pacific Success centre, says he organised the event because of the popularity of the online talanoa held during lockdown.

People really enjoyed the regular catchups and as a keen chess player himself, he thought combining the two would be a great opportunity for Unitec whānau to learn a new skill, or improve their current chess skills,  and get to know people they may not normally meet while having a break and some fun during the work day.

The sessions will be held every fortnight starting on Wednesday March 31 and then every Friday fortnight. The location will be confirmed closer to the date but please register here if you are interested in attending.

Here are some beginner chess tips if you want to get up to speed, but all levels are welcome.

Fun fact: The Queen’s Gambit sparked a massive upsurge of interest in chess, with more than 13 million people signing up to online platform chess. com alone, and chess sets selling out!

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