The theme for Gasav Ne Fäeag Rotuạm Ta – Rotuman Language Week 2023 is Vetḁkia ‘os Fäega ma Ag fak hanua – Sustaining our Language and Culture.
The Rotumn Islands group lies 650km north of Fiji and are home to a unique Polynesian indigenous group. About 2,000 Rotuman speakers live on the island, and another 8000 or so on mainland Fiji. Although the island has been politically part of Fiji since 1881, Rotuman culture more closely resembles that of the Polynesian islands to the east, most noticeably Tonga, Samoa, Futuna and Uvea. Because of their Polynesian appearance and distinctive language, Rotumans now constitute a recognizable minority group within the Republic of Fiji. The aim of Rotuman language week is to nurture the Rotuman identity in Aotearoa, so everyone must work together to revitalise and maintain Fäeag Rotuạm.
Activities and events for Rotuman Language Week will be held throughout Aotearoa and online to showcase the richness of the Rotuman language, culture and traditions.
Stay connected online by visiting the official NZ Rotuman Language Week Facebook page.