Graduation – Celebrating success!

  Last week was Graduation, a very special day for our students – a milestone that they’ve worked hard for and you’ve worked hard to support them! It was also an amazing team effort with over 60 staff members volunteering on the day, from assisting with marshalling and hyping up 1,200 students before each ceremony,… Read more »

Changing business and communities through Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is changing the way that businesses operate and the future direction of the workforce – and it’s something that our students want to know more about! And on 7 May, one of IBM’s AI experts will be holding an open lecture at Unitec focusing on real-world applications for AI that we can apply… Read more »

Unitec hosts annual 2018 Drama New Zealand Conference

  This weekend we’re hosting the annual 2018 Drama New Zealand Conference, 13-16 April. Our third year acting students will be making a special appearance at the event, performing scenes from a New Zealand play, directed by guest lecturer Elena Stejko, as part of the overall four-day programme. John Davies, Senior Lecturer Creative Industries and… Read more »

Checking in with our Pacific students

The Pacific Centre is asking for feedback on how our Pacific students have fared in the first half of the semester. They’re undertaking a two-week data gathering exercise for the Pacific Success Progress Report, tracking attendance for courses that have more than ten Pacific students registered and finding out how those students have done on… Read more »

Storm update

Updated at 4pm on Wednesday: The Facilities team has spent today checking all the trees on our Mt Albert campus to ensure that there are no further risks from falling branches. There are still two damaged trees that need checking and those areas (near Buildings 1 and 76) have been cordoned off to keep people… Read more »

What’s new with The Mind Lab?

Our partner The Mind Lab by Unitec has moved into the neighbourhood!  From this month they’ll be running their school holiday and school groups programmes from a new, purpose-built facility at MOTAT’s Western Springs premises. The Tech Toolbox programme for parents, grandparents and early childhood teachers, is also relocating and don’t forget, we all get… Read more »

Access4Success team hosts Disability Services Hui

  Our Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae was host to honoured guests Hon. Carmel Sepuloni, Minister of Social Development and Disability Issues, and Paula Tesoriero, the Disability Rights Commissioner, as they addressed the Northern Region Tertiary Disability Services Hui last Friday. The Hui, organised by our Access4Success Disability Service, was attended by around 40 tertiary sector… Read more »

Using Kickstart feedback to build our Category 1 culture

More than 500 staff gathered at Kickstart earlier this year to talk about how we’re building a culture that’s in line with the NZQA’s expectations of a Category 1 institute. In workshops we discussed the working environment we need to support this culture, the barriers we need to overcome and the actions we each can… Read more »

Growing our research leadership talent

We’ve recently launched an exciting new initiative: the PhD Leaders Programme, designed to grow participating staff members’ research leadership capability and output productivity via PhD pursuit. Facilitated by Dr Helen Gremillion, Research Professional Development Liaison from our Research and Enterprise Office, the programme supports PhD candidates who will be working on projects within the next… Read more »

A shift in reporting lines for Te Miro

Our Te Miro Postgraduate Practice Pathway has a new home in our organisational structure. Te Miro is our transdisciplinary centre where students can study postgraduate programmes that don’t sit within a specific academic discipline. The Te Miro Network that reported into Nick Sheppard has been disestablished and the Pathway is now sitting under Te Puna… Read more »