Apprentice challenger scoops #2 top slot

Last month Robert Piutau won the NZCB Apprentice Challenge Northern regional competition and then last weekend, at the national competition up against 19 other finalists, he finished second, narrowly missing out on first place. We’re very proud of Robert and his pathway who were an integral part of this great result! Carpentry Liaison Officer Leni… Read more »

Checking in on progress: Staff Pulse survey results

Thank you to everyone who completed our first Staff Pulse survey to help identify areas of progress since last year’s longer engagement survey. 649 people (65% of staff) responded last month to 17 short ‘rating’ questions, providing a snapshot of progress over the past six months. There were some very clear signs of improvement and… Read more »

Changes to the Library and Student Experience teams

The Library and Student Experience teams have recently gone through a change proposal to help create a more seamless student experience across the two teams. Originally, the teams had different reporting lines but have now been brought together under the name: Student Success, reporting into Glenn McKay, Tumu Tauwhirowhiro Māori and Director of Student Success. … Read more »

TupuToa recruiting Maori and Pasifika students for summer internships

  TupuToa will be coming to Unitec on 6 June from 4.00-6.00 pm in Te Puna to share information and recruit Māori and Pacific students for their graduate programme and internship. Please encourage your Māori and Pacific students to register for this exciting information event and head along next Wednesday. The Career Development Team is facilitating… Read more »

Our Pink Shirt Day winners!

Pink Shirt Day 2018, a chance to rally together against bullying, was a great success. Staff and students from across campuses donned their pink gear and demonstrated their commitment to Ngakau Mahaki: respecting and valuing all perspectives, and embracing diversity. Student activities were held across both campuses with a free sausage sizzle for students wearing… Read more »

Bridging Education Business students to sell delicious food next week

Save on food prep next week and support our students with their first business venture. Four groups of Bridging Education Business students will be serving delicious savoury and sweet food, with the goal of paying back their $100 start-up loan from ANZ, and making a profit. This is applied learning at its best; the students… Read more »

Making our kitchens more sustainable

Part of taking care of our people and our place means making better choices and creating a sustainable environment. With this in mind our Sustainability and Procurement team recently did a review of our staff kitchen supplies to explore how we can ensure we’re choosing the most sustainable options. They also looked at where they… Read more »


How a Unitec research project could help us predict future floods

Senior Lecturer, Babar Mahmood recently supervised final year Bachelor of Engineering Technology student Zhimin Zheng in a research project that used Artificial Intelligence (AI) to predict runoff in the Waikato River. Babar has been invited to present the findings at the 2018 Stormwater Conference this week. This year the annual conference, held in Queenstown and… Read more »

Our ‘star’ of Language studies sadly just diagnosed with Cancer

This is a special message and request from Sally Conway, Acting Head of Language Studies, on behalf of colleagues and friends of Michele Spijkerbosch, Language Studies Lecturer. Michele Spijkerbosch is one of our dear colleagues who has worked in Language Studies at Unitec for over 10 years and is a star teacher in our NZCEL… Read more »

Internal Evaluative Review: getting ready for the NZQA’s November visit

As the next key milestone in our Category 1 timeline, we’re going to be running an Internal Evaluative Review (IER) across 12 areas of Unitec during the first two weeks of June. This is a self-assessment exercise that takes those teams through the same process that the NZQA will use for our External Evaluation Review… Read more »