Didn’t make it to the Renewal Plan sessions? Here’s the video and Q&A

There was a big turnout to the five Renewal Plan presentations last week, held at the Wharenui at Mt Albert and Waitakere campus. If you missed it, you can view the slide pack or watch the video of the full presentation Each presentation was followed by a Q&A session. A compilation of frequently asked questions can be found below.… Read more »

Vehicle Systems & Materials team wins ‘Consumer Engagement’ award

What started as a great opportunity for our Vehicle Systems and Materials team to showcase their equipment and expertise, ended with an award at the recent CRC Speedshow! It was a chance to network with industry experts and fans, promote Unitec to potential students and associate with a large, popular automotive event. And it didn’t… Read more »

Environmental & Animal Sciences Seminar Series underway

The Environmental & Animal Sciences pathway is hosting a series of six seminars over the next three months. The first event is this Monday 6 August and Dr Karen Stockin from Massey University will be presenting on the conservation and welfare aspects of whale strandings. Dr Stockin is a renowned marine ecologist, director of the… Read more »

New app supports international students

A new tool to help our International students has already been opened over 2,700 times. The iCent App acts as a ‘one-stop shop’ to guide international students through their study experience at Unitec. Prior to a student’s departure from their home country, they can upload their student visa to the app. They’ll find information on… Read more »

Our newest Professor – Dr Christian Probst

Our Dean of Research and Enterprises – Tuapapa Rangahuu, Marcus Williams, earlier this week attended the professorial address of our newest professor, Dr Christian Probst. Marcus captures below what this very special event was about including Christian’s journey to Unitec and his work. On Monday, Dr Christian Probst gave his professorial address, Defend, attack, transform –… Read more »

Creating a new student space at Waitākere

The Student Council, Student Success and Finance teams are working together to create a new student-centred space where the Copy Centre is currently located at Waitākere. Staff and students have been using a number of other printing and copying options* over the past four weeks while the Waitākere Copy Centre has been closed, and this… Read more »

Kohinga Aroha: Another great student support initiative – donations welcomed!

A team from Student Success have introduced a new initiative that will support students that are struggling to make ends meet, by providing them with access to food and other necessities. ‘Kohinga Aroha’ has set up in Te Puna (on level 2 by the green wall) and is reliant on the generosity of our Unitec… Read more »

Māori Electoral Role – now is your time to choose

Te Kōwhiringa Pōti Māori 2018 He wā te Kōwhiringa Pōti Māori e kōwhiri ai tētahi nō ngā kāwai Māori kua rēhita ki te pōti ko tēhea te rārangi pōti mōna – te rārangi Whānui, te rārangi Māori rānei. The Māori Electoral Option 2018 The Māori Electoral Option is a chance for anyone who is of… Read more »

Mihi whakatau for students at Waitākere

The student hub at Waitākere was filled with people, beautiful food smells and singing on Monday morning, as a mihi whakatau was held to welcome new students. Organised by the Social Practice pathway, but open to all students and staff, it was the first time a mihi whakatau has been held in the hub area. In… Read more »

Sheikh Rafat Najm joins the Chaplaincy team

Sheikh Rafat Najm is New Zealand’s only Muslim chaplain and he has just joined Unitec’s Chaplaincy team. Unitec’s team of volunteer chaplains offers a range of services to support an inclusive approach to spirituality for students and staff of all faiths. Coordinating Chaplain, Ricky Waters, said: “While we’ve been operating as a multi-faith team for… Read more »