Sarah Kirk: A Champion in our midst

From dozens of applications from interested people across New Zealand and Australia, Sarah Kirk has been selected as one of 12 Champions of the Echo360 learning platform. It’s a big win for Unitec – Sarah was one of only two Champions selected from New Zealand tertiary institutions, and will share her expertise with our teachers,… Read more »

Staff who volunteer: Creating balance in your life

  2018 Volunteer Expo           Our Career Development team is hosting a Volunteer Expo in Te Puna on 29 August 2018. Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community and for our students to get valuable work experience on their CV before leaving Unitec, plus new skills and… Read more »

Tūkinotanga: committed to an environment free of bullying and harassment

You may have noticed some new posters around campus…these support Tūkinotanga, Unitec’s commitment to an environment free of inappropriate behaviours, where staff and students feel supported and safe. A working group of staff and student representatives has developed the Tūkinotanga initiative, which focusses on raising awareness of: what bullying, harassment, and other poor behaviours look… Read more »

Maryland University visitors experience Karanga Wānanga

Lecturer in Voice, Alexandra Whitham, recently welcomed a contingent from The University of Maryland, USA, to share ideas and build a relationship for future collaboration. The visitors: Lisa Nathans – Assistant Professor of Voice and Acting, School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies, University of Maryland, and Victoria Scrimer – Graduate PhD Student, were aiming… Read more »

Volunteering is rewarding

2018 Volunteer Expo               Later this month, the Career Development team is hosting a Volunteer Expo in Te Puna 0n 29 August 2018. Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community and for our students to get valuable work experience on their CV before leaving Unitec,… Read more »

Excellent audit result for International team

After a huge team effort, the International team has received the tick of approval from Immigration New Zealand (INZ) for their work on student visa compliance. The role of our Student Visa team is to process visas for new and returning international students. When students study here, they must give us copies of their visa… Read more »

Our students supporting high school students – their teachers learning from our teachers

A new workshop series, targeted at high school students also provided teaching experience for our Physical Education major student,s as well as professional learning for the high school students’ teachers. The Community Development Sport team ran the workshop series in conjunction with the Mt Albert Grammar Health and Physical Education faculty and the Auckland branch… Read more »

Pōhiri for Murray Strong, new Unitec Commissioner

  Last Monday’s pōhiri to welcome Murray Strong as our Unitec Commissioner was a warm occasion, recognising the large task ahead, but with a shared optimism about Unitec’s future and the Government’s commitment to support Unitec. Merran said, while we face challenging times, it was a privilege to welcome Murray, having enjoyed working alongside him… Read more »

Staff who volunteer: Bringing who we are into the workplace

2018 Volunteer Expo               Later this month, the Career Development team is hosting a Volunteer Expo in Te Puna 0n 29 August 2018. Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community and for our students to get valuable work experience on their CV before leaving Unitec,… Read more »

Unitec wins Auckland Transport ‘Match-Maker Award’ for carpooling app

We’re very proud of the team involved in developing a carpooling phone app that won the ‘Match-Maker Award’ category at last week’s Auckland Transport Travelwise Choice Awards 2018! The Awards which cover a number of categories focuses on celebrating organisations who are committed to encouraging sustainable travel in their workplace. Creative Industries Senior Academic Leader… Read more »