Scientists and iwi work together to give new plant species a te reo Māori name

A new species of alpine cress, discovered on the south-western slopes of Mt Ruapehu by Associate Professor Peter de Lange and Peter Heenan from Landcare Research, has been given a species name derived from te reo Māori in full consultation with one of the local iwi, Ngāti Rangi. The name of the white flowered cress, Cardamine… Read more »

International team creating a temp hub in Vietnam for SE Asian recruitment

Our International Relationship Managers, based within Marketing, may be a small team at just four people, but they make a big difference to our new student numbers. In 2018 they contributed to 27% of our total revenue from student fees. Their challenge this year is to keep on track despite the overall drop in international… Read more »

Our Scholarship programme – help support students in our priority groups

In June we opened our scholarship programme for semester 2, which included some new funding options that focus on our priority groups, Māori and Pacific, alongside ‘equity’ and Waitākere (Nursing, Social Practice and DHB Health) scholarships. The response from Pacific students has been good but to date we have only had 8 applications for the… Read more »

Students turn ‘straw into gold’ with BuildNZ exhibit

Our Architecture students were shining the spotlight on climate change and better building practices with the creation of a straw bale house for the annual BuildNZ design exhibition held at the ASB Showgrounds earlier this week. Set in the context of current housing needs and the fact that New Zealand produces some of the world’s… Read more »

Council Organisations work with Unitec Architecture Students to Regenerate Henderson Land

Representatives from Council organisations, Panuku Development Auckland and Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) were at Unitec last week to view the designs created by our third year Architecture students for the ‘Unlocking Henderson’ initiative. Panuku Development Auckland has partnered with our School of Architecture to re-design two Henderson sites identified for future residential… Read more »

Celebrating Matariki: hāngī, guided hikoi, wānanga, art exhibition, raranga and more!

Update: Read Glenn McKay’s message of Friday 28 June. Twinkling in the winter sky just before dawn, Matariki (also known as the Pleiades cluster) signals the Māori New Year. This year Matariki rises above Aotearoa on Tuesday 25 June! Matariki literally means the ‘eyes of god’ (mata ariki) or ‘little eyes’ (mata riki). There are a… Read more »

“The ultimate in applied learning” – Borneo field trip 2019

A group of 14 Bachelor of Applied Science students from across Unitec, Northtec and Toi Ohami went on a field trip to Borneo in April.  Every year since 2013, Unitec students from the Bachelor of Applied Science have gone there to study for a two-week credit bearing course.  Here is Environmental and Animal Sciences Senior… Read more »

Hangzhou Polytechnic praises Unitec’s approach to teaching

A partnership with Hangzhou Polytechnic in China was enriched when two Chinese Early Childhood Education (ECE) teachers experienced our teaching, curriculum and pedagogy during a three month visit to New Zealand. The partnership, developed in 2014, includes us sharing materials with Hangzhou Polytechnic and allows their ECE teachers to visit Unitec to observe our classes,… Read more »

Big wins for our School of Building Construction students!

  Students from our School of Building Construction notched up a cluster of wins at the recent NZIOB (New Zealand Institute of Building) Northern Chapter’s Student Awards for Excellence. The annual awards recognise not only academic excellence, but the criteria also looks for evidence of teamwork and leadership on a particular course or programme, as… Read more »

A very special celebration – Ngākau Māhaki anniversary events

  Our wharenui, Ngākau Māhaki, celebrated its tenth anniversary last week with a host of activities involving staff, our students and students from local schools, members of the local community including a number of people who were directly involved in the design and build. These very special celebration events at Mt Albert and Waitākere campuses… Read more »