Cris de Groot provides TV3’s ‘The Project’ with expert analysis on child car seats

  Last week Lecturer Cris de Groot featured on TV3’s The Project, in a story on child car seats. The segment explores how safe they are, if parents are being ‘ripped off’ by the cost of a car seat – if ‘dearer’ means safer and why the expiry date is so important. The Project interviews… Read more »

Pet lizards can tell you what they want – if you let them

A research collaboration into caring for pet lizards has shown that lizards can be trained to make choices, such as selecting to spend time with a heat or a light source. The study carried out over a period of three months, was conducted by Dr Kristie Cameron, Dr Lorne Roberts and student Regina Kowk-Heon of… Read more »

Tū Arotake – Checkpoint: The rundown and your chance to feedback on the draft Renewal Strategy

Our staff mid-year event Tū Arotake ∙ Checkpoint, was an opportunity for our staff to hear from Murray Strong, Merran Davis and Glenn Mckay as they reflected on and celebrated the progress we’ve made in the past six months, and shared plans for our direction and focus the next few years. Murray gave a recap… Read more »

Dedication and commitment secures a new career path and a big win

Dedication and a commitment to supporting his family are the foundations of graduate Cedric Folaumoetui. He recently completed a Diploma in Applied Technology – Carpentry and in June won the New Zealand Certified Builders Association annual ‘Apprentice Challenge’. Cedric is the first Pasifika winner of this annual competition that pits all the regional winners against… Read more »

Successful ‘Unconference’ hosted by our Library Knowledge Specialists

Earlier this month our Library Knowledge Specialist team (LKSs) held an ‘unconference’ event with over 40 librarians attending from ITPs and universities nationwide. The focus topic was ‘Best practices in Information Literacy and Subject Librarianship’ – important concepts to explore with colleagues from across the sector who all play a part in contributing to student… Read more »

Pre-Trades Carpentry: throwing them in the deep end since 1976

Our pre-trades carpentry course gives people from all walks of life the chance to learn from highly skilled builders and be fully immersed in the trade from day one. How many students start building a house within five weeks of starting their course? That’s what our New Zealand Certificate in Construction Trades (carpentry) offers. As… Read more »

Marketing update – our Semester 2 campaign is underway

Our Semester 2 campaign is now out in the community. We have adopted a fresh approach which focuses on our diverse whānau of students and programmes, letting people know the breadth of what Unitec has to offer – how we can help you get where you’re going. This is in response to our latest market… Read more »

Unitec represented on NZQA’s first Mātauranga Māori Advisory Group

On Thursday 4 July the newly created Mātauranga Māori Advisory Group for NZQA’s Quality Assurance Māori met for the first time. Unitec’s Dr Rosemary Dewerse was at the table. Rosemary shares with us her pathway towards being the only Pākeha member invited onto the group, and what she hopes to contribute to the group’s aim… Read more »

Matariki celebrations bring an opportunity to connect

To celebrate Matariki – the Māori New Year – a range of activities were organised across our two campuses. It was a wonderful opportunity for staff and students to connect with each other and to increase their understanding of Matariki and Māori culture. Our week of Matariki celebrations began in Manaaki (the wharekai), with an… Read more »

IT programme’s Whānau Day celebrates student success

  A recently-formed tradition for the students in the Certificate in Information Technology programme brought whānau from across Auckland to find out more about this Level 4 course. Lecturer Maryam Erfanian said the Whānau Day provides an opportunity to celebrate students’ success, meet their families and showcase the projects everyone’s been working hard on over… Read more »